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12,000 people lost their job everyday!

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Q: How many working class Americans were out of work by 1932?
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Many people believed L.S. Lowry came from a working class family because of his humble and modest lifestyle, his focus on depicting industrial working-class life in his art, and his job as a rent collector which involved interacting with working-class people on a daily basis. These factors contributed to the common misconception about his background.

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There are many advantages that the labor movement brought to America's working class. One advantage was the concept of earning your keep.

Why did many Americans decide that country needed new leadership in 1932?

President Hoover's volunteerism and trickle-down economic policies had failed.

Why did many Americans decided that the country needed new leadership in 1932?

President Hoover's volunteerism and trickle-down economic policies had failed.