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Q: How many years after lacrosse was first written about were the basic rules created?
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Related questions

What was the first sport ever created in America?


What two sports were first played in Canada?

Canada Created Hockey and Lacrosse.

What is a origin of lacrosse?

The Native Americans were the first to play the sport of lacrosse.

Lacrosse was played on what continent?

Lacrosse first originated on the continent of North America.

Where did the name lacrosse come from?

the word lacrosse comes from the french phrase the cross... la is the and the cross in lacrosse is your stick.

What does the name lacrosse mean and where was its origins?

Lacrosse was first played by the Potawatomi Indians as a celebration.

Where was the first lacrosse team located?

Native Americans played lacrosse to train for war.

What year was lacrosse discovered?

The year that lacrosse was discovered is said to be 1100 AD. It wasn't until 1856 that the first lacrosse club was formed in Canada.

Who was the founder of lacrosse?

Lacrosse is a native origin game, it was played to train for war,moarn a death, or honor a god. Lacrosse was first seen and documented by a french soldier who called it lacrosse because of them using sticks. The first person to make a club and might as well be the father of lacrosse was Dr. William George Beers.

When did lacrosse first originate?

Lacrosse was first started by the native Americans. it is the oldest north American sport.

What was the first American sport?


What did thay use as equepment in lacrosse when it first started?

when lacrosse first started it was a native American sport, before English settlement. at that time there was no protection .