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It started almost immediately after the capitol stopped the rebellions

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The book doesn't say

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Q: How many years after the rebellion did the Hunger Games start?
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Related questions

How long was The Hunger Games?

75 years including the year of the rebellion.

When does the story hunger games take place?

it actually has no specific time. just imagine an apocalypse, Panem to form, a rebellion and 74 years. triple digits

Where is Hunger Games set?

The Hunger Games takes place in a futuristic North America that has been torn by wars called Panem. There is a Capitol and thirteen districts. District thirteen is said to have been distroyed though because of a rebellion. The rebellion is the reason for the hunger games too.

How many years are the Hunger Games celebrating in the book?

There is one Hunger Games every year. But, every twenty-five years they have what is called the Quarter Quell which is the Hunger Games but with a little spin on it. If you are talking about how many years until another Hunger Games movie comes out, Catching Fire is coming out in November of 2013.

What will Katniss's and Peeta's job be if they win the Hunger Games?

mentors to the kids who go into The Hunger Games in the next years

How old is the Hunger Games?

By the timeline of the second book Catching Fire, the Hunger Games have been going on for 75 years

Will the Hunger Games series be turned into movies'?

Yes, the First book in the Hunger Games is coming out in the next 1-2 years.

How old is Prim in The Hunger Games?

Prim was 12-years-old in The Hunger Games and she was 13 in Catching Fire and Mockingjay.

When did the Denmark Vesey rebellion start?

a few years ago

What will katniss and Peeta's job be if they win the Hunger Games?

mentors to the kids who go into the hunger games in the next years

What actor from The Hunger Games die?

The actor from the Hunger Games that died was Phillip Seymour Hoffman. He died from an overdose of heroin. He was only 46 years old.

Does Katniss from the Hunger Games have a child or get married in the Hunger Games?

At the end of Mockingjay in the Epilogue, its is like 20 years in the future and Katniss is married to Peeta and they have 2 kids.