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In most jurisdictions, three years of study are required to obtain a law degree. In addition, you will have to write the Bar exam and comply with other requirements, which vary from one jurisdiction to the next.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Law school is usually a three year experience. It is followed by a set of exams administered by the legal profession in the jurisdiction in which you want to practice.

It takes 4 years of regular college and then you take 3 to 4 years of law school.

There are a couple of states where you do not need a law degree to take the bar exam, but they are few and usually require you work in a law office for a number of years before you can take it. You just need to be able to pass the bar exam in the state that you would like to practice in.

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Anurag gth

Lvl 7
1y ago

Approximately three years of full-time study are what you should budget for law school, but there are many variables that could affect your completion time. For many prospective attorneys, finishing law school is a great accomplishment.

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13y ago

Obtaining a law degree usually requires three years of study.

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13y ago

7 years. first you would take 4 years of pre-law at most major universities. Then you would apply to law school which is relatively competitive.

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14y ago

you have to be 21 years old to be a lawyer

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15y ago

Typically (and almost universally) it takes a 4-year college degree and 3years of law school.

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11y ago

Typically, 3 additional years after college.

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15y ago

eight :( I want to be a lawyer too

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