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It takes some 75 to 76 years for Halley's Comet to orbit the sun. It last appeared in the inner Solar System in 1986, and will next appear in mid 2061. A link is provided to the Wikipedia article on Comet Halley.

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14y ago

Halley's Comet passes through the inner solar system about every 75 to 76 years. (~75.3 years) It has been observed since about 240 BC, and appeared in April, 1910, and February, 1986.

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15y ago

For the people who think they are smarter than a fifth grader here is the answer the answer is 76 years

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15y ago

Halley's comet returns every 76 years. It is next due in 2062.

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10y ago

Every 75-76 years. The last time it appeared was 1986 and its believed to pass again in 2061.

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How many years it takes for Haleys comet to come around?

Halleys comet comes back around every 76 years.

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How many years does it take for Haley's comet to orbit the sun?

76 years.

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It takes 75 years

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76 years

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How many years does it take a comet to appear?

It take exactly 75 to 76 years.

Approximately how many years does it take Halley's comet to orbit around the sun?

about 76 years