

How many years in one age?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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Q: How many years in one age?
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25 years of age25 years of age.

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No one. In many places of the world, 18 is not the age of majority.

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5,000 years ago.

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Century is an age. It is one hundred years.

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If You Mean Years By Age, Then 18.

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you have to have been one for twenty years its not a set age

Why is 18 years the age at which one is considered an adult along with the added responsibilities and freedoms?

In many Western countries the age of majority was 21 until about 30-40 years ago. In many countries it was felt that 21 was somewhat high and it was widely reduced, usually to 18. However, any age of majority is arbitrary. Moreover, as long as one is financially dependent on one's parents the age of majority is for many purposes rather meaningless. Obviously, others may have different views. Joncey

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500 years

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No one has attained that age, at least not in earth years.

How many syllables in age?

One. Age.

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One and a half to two years of age

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There are many different science magazines available for children under 12 years of age. One such popular magazine is the MUSE magazine, which is offered on the Cricket Magazine website.