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If you look after her 9 to 10 years.

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Q: How many years will a boer nanny reproduce?
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How many years of college do you have to go through to be a nanny?

Its about 3 to 4 years.

How many years does a boer goat reproduce?

12 to 15 years of age depending on how well it is looked after.

How many years after the Boers set up an orange free state in South Africa did the Boer war begin?

45 years

How many australians were in the boer war?

1 person fort in the Boer war

How many pages does The Nanny Diaries have?

The Nanny Diaries has 306 pages.

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How many times can a turtle reproduce?

Every 2-3 years after being an adult!!

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How many people died in the boer?

In the boer war 75,000 people died. 22,000 English diedand 53,000 boers died, many people died from disease or being killed.

How many THE NANNY is there?

There are 146 episodes of The Nanny. There were 6 seasons. The Nannny started in 1993 and went on til 1999.

How many Nanny McPhee films are there?

Two. One released in 2005 simply called Nanny McPhee and one released in 2010 called Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang

How many countries were involved in the Boer War?

The Boer wars were two wars fought between Britain and the two independent boer republics, the Orange Free State and the South African Republic( Transvaal Republic).