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Mass can not be converted into energy. This is a common misconception. The example usually given is nuclear reactions. Note that this is no different from a chemical reaction, except that the energies involved (as well as the mass deficit, see below) are much greater in a nuclear reaction.

Assume that hydrogen is fused into helium, in the Sun. Some would say that "mass is converted into energy". This is not true. The mass deficit (see: "mass deficit" article in Wikipedia for more details) means that the helium has less mass than the hydrogen. However, any energy leaving the place of the reaction - for example, light leaving the Sun - also has mass! If the energy stays there, say as heat, it contributes to the total mass! Thus, total mass is conserved.

As to the energy, the light that leave the Sun has a certain energy. This energy is available before the reaction, as nuclear energy; a type of potential energy. Thus, total energy is also conserved.

Since both mass and energy are conserved, there is no mass-to-energy conversion. The same happens for other nuclear reactions, or any reaction for that matter. Both mass and energy are always conserved.

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Q: How mass can be converted into energy. give examples?
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Can energy converted into mass?

Yes. In a way, energy and mass are closely related; energy HAS mass, mass HAS energy. Energy gets converted into mass routinely in particle accelerators. The kinetic energy from the moving particles gets converted into new particles.

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Kinetic energy is the energy in a mass of matter that is in motion, the energy of motion. Potential energy (where mass is in a gravity field) can be converted into kinetic energy Chemical energy (of an explosion) can be converted into kinetic energy Electrical energy can be converted into kinetic energy (eg in an electric motor)

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There is no such thing as matter-to-energy conversion. It is commonly said, in popular science, that in a nuclear reaction "matter is converted to energy"; actually, both mass and energy are conserved - if you consider all masses involved, the amount of mass before the reaction is the same as after the reaction; the same applies to energy. Search the Wikipedia on "mass deficit", for a more detailed explanation.

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Mass can be converted to energy in some very special cases, but no general method to convert any mass directly into energy is known.

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Energy is relates when hydrogen is converted into helium in the sun's core.

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Sure, burn it.

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The principle of mass conversion to energy. The mass loss (due to nuclear fission or nuclear fusion) is converted to thermal energy. The thermal energy is converted (through turbines) to mechanical energy. The mechanical energy is converted (through electric generators) to electrical energy.

What did Einstein propose about stars?

its not about stars its about mass and he proposed that mass can be converted into energy

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One way uses particle colliders. Some of the energy of high velocity subatomic particles in the collisions creates new particles.

What name do you give to the energy that the car has on the edge of a cliff?

By virtue of its position on the top of the cliff it has "potential" energy. If it were to fall off the cliff this potential energy would be converted into "kinetic" energy (the energy in movement of a mass).

In a nuclear reaction WHAT does not have to be conserved?

While overall ENERGY has to be conserved, MASS does not. In a nuclear reaction mass can be converted into energy so the mass of the products may be less than the mass of the reactants. The difference in mass is converted into energy as Einstein's equation describes (E=MC squared). In a chemical reaction MASS has to be conserved.