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Q: How might a geneticist write the alleles to show that tall pea plant has one allele for tall stems and one allele for short stems?
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How might a geneticist write the alleles to show that a tall pea plant has one alleles for tall stem and one alleles for short stems?

Having one allele for tall stems and one allele for short stems is a heterozygous genotype and could be represented as Tt, where T represents the tall allele, and t represents the short allele, if the tall allele has complete dominance over the short allele.

How might a geneticist write the alleles to show that a tall pea plant has one allele for tall stems and one allele for short stems?

i honestly have know idea what this answer might be but someone put "just do stuff" so if anything im doing you a favor sorry you didnt get what you were looking for though

Explain segregation of alleles using pea plants?

if the pea plant has 2 recessive alleles then the plant is gonna come out short.but if it has 1 recessive and one dominant allele then the plant turns out tall, because the dominant allele can be present without the recessive allele.

Can a dwarf pea plant ever have a dominant allele?

A dwarf plant cannot have a dominant allele because it has recessive genes. You should look at the genotype, punnett square, of a dwarf plant for the probability of the dwarf plant having a dominant allele. :):):):) hoped this helped, otherwise, sorry! did my best....

In a hybrid plant if every allele combination has two alleles what is the probability of one allele?

The probability of inheriting a specific allele in a hybrid plant would be 1/2 or 50%, as each parent contributes one allele and there are two possible alleles for a specific gene. Each offspring has an equal chance of inheriting either allele from the parent.

When a plant has two dominate alleles for tall stems its alleles are written as what?

(T,T) if t is the letter used for that allele capital letters are used for dominant alleles and lowercase is for recessive.

When a plant has Two recessive alleles for wrinkled seeds how would you write the symbols for its alleles?

well it depends on the letters that you are given, recessive alleles are ALWAYS lower case.An example answer would be: ss, where s would represent the recessive allele.

When a plant has two dominant alleles for tall stems it's alleles are written as?

(T,T) if t is the letter used for that allele capital letters are used for dominant alleles and lowercase is for recessive.

How do dominant and recessive alleles affect an offsprings phenotype?

The traits inherited depends upon the alleles that have been passed on from the father and mother.The traits that are exhibited is called as the phenotype. Dominant allele needs only one copy to be expressed.For example in a pea plant "T" represents the tall dominant allele and "t" the short recessive allele .TT - when there are two dominant alleles the pea plant will express the tall trait. The pea plant is tall.Tt - when there is one dominant and one recessive allele the pea plant will still express the tall trait.In this case the dominant allele masks the recessive allele and the pea plant is still - when there are two recessive alleles the pea plant will express the recessive trait and the pea plant is short.For a recessive trait to show up there should be a pair of recessive alleles.

What is alleles for a tall pea plant?

If you mean one allele for short stems, then it would probably be something similar to Ss, where S is a tall stem allele and s is a short stem allele. The letters chosen to represent the alleles are not universally agreed on (there are far too many genes, let alone alleles, to name with only letters), so they are specified in each case by the geneticist. Also, make sure that the letters match each trait - s and S are the same letter for the same trait, the stems. For color, you would use another pair - say perhaps C for green peas, c for yellow peas, et cetera.

When a plant has both green and yellow alleles what color will the offspring be?

There is not enough information to answer this. Even if we assume the yellow allele is dominant, we need to know the alleles of the other parent as well.

When a plant has two recessive alleles for short stems its alleles are written?

well it depends on the letters that you are given, recessive alleles are ALWAYS lower case.An example answer would be: ss, where s would represent the recessive allele.