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Q: How might birds navigate on cloudy days or starless nights?
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Did anyone ever known how birds navigate?

birds are said to have a virtual eye on their forehead which help them to navigate they also muse the direction of stars to do the same

How do birds know which way to fly when they navigate?

They use the Earth's magnetic field to determine direction and position.

When scientists study bird migration are they looking at the birds nests?

They are not really looking at birds' nests, except as part of the counting process. The study of migration includes where birds spend the different seasons, the routes they take and how they navigate.

Why does the solar wind interfere with the navigation of birds?

Birds navigate using lines of magnetism around the earth. Solar winds can disrupt these lines causing birds to read them incorrectly. therefore the bird may not be able to find where its going.

When will Angry Birds be available on facebook?

There is already an Angry birds application on Facebook, but in my opinion it is not very good (doesn't keep score, hard to navigate, only 21 levels). There is a free version of Angry Birds available on Google Chrome, if you have the browser. Go to the app store and just search "Angry birds."

What spring words begin with the letter N?

Nests, nuts,nature,nets,nights

What behavioral characteristics help birds to navigate and return from their destinations?

Other than recognizing landmarks, we humans haven't really figured that one out yet.

How do released doves know how to return?

They don't necessarily. While its true that there are homing pigeons (and doves are very close relatives of the pigeon) and that birds in general are able to navigate long distances consistently, it requires a delicate balance of a number of factors for birds to truly return to a location. And, to make things a little stranger, there are no 100% solid reasons as to how birds are able to do this. While there are many theories (like that birds are able to detect magnetic fields, can navigate by the sun/moon, or recognize landmarks) there have been no entirely conclusive tests thus far that really explain it.

What would happen if a pigeon detected a magnetic field?

There are theories around that some birds can actually detect magnetic fields, which they use to navigate on long migrations.

Why do fishes and bird have steamline bodies?

So that they can fly and swim better, and avoid being eaten by predators.

Why do birds stop singing when a eclipse happens?

They dont. Studies of birds in the zoos and avivaries during the 1994 & 1999 eclipses showed that some birds did sing during the totality. When most birds even sing during total darkness at night the question of them to stop singing during an eclipse does not arise. Birds that migrate, fly at night and their calls during such nights are distinct.

What animals can use polarised light?

Many insects navigate using polarized light; for example bees and ants. Some birds are also sensitive to light polarization.