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it is smaller

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The composition of the moon is similar to Earth's mantle, with elements like oxygen, silicon, magnesium, and iron. However, the moon lacks an atmosphere, water, and a significant iron core like Earth. The moon's surface is mainly composed of different types of rocks, such as basalt and anorthosite.

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Q: How might the composition of the moon compare to that of the earth?
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Is Thea Earth's twin?

No, Earth does not have a twin planet. While astronomers have discovered many exoplanets that are similar in size or composition to Earth, none are considered an exact replica or twin of our planet.

Is the moon and the crustal rocks of earth are similar in density?

Yes, the Moon's density is about 60-70% that of Earth's crustal rocks. This is due to differences in composition and size. The Moon's crust is mainly made of less dense rock types compared to Earth's crust.

What is the density of the Earth's moon?

The average density of the Earth's moon is about 3.34 grams per cubic centimeter, which is roughly 60% of Earth's average density. This lower density suggests that the moon's interior composition is different from Earth's, with a lower proportion of iron and a higher proportion of lighter elements.

Does The composition of the moon most closely resembles the earths mantle?

Yes, the composition of the moon's mantle is similar to that of Earth's mantle in terms of silicate minerals and elements like magnesium and iron. This similarity suggests that the moon's mantle may have been formed from materials that were also present in the Earth's mantle.

What characteristics do the earth and the moon closely share in common?

The Earth and the Moon both have a similar composition, with a core, mantle, and crust. They both experience gravitational pull, causing tides on Earth and affecting the Moon's orbit. Additionally, both bodies have impact craters on their surfaces, formed by collisions with celestial objects.

Related questions

The composition of the moon mostly resembles?

The composition of the moon mostly resembles the Earth's mantle.

How did neil Armstrong compare the earth and the moon?

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How much time less then gravity of the moon as compare to the earth?

moon's gravity is (1/6)th of the earth's gravity

How is the composition of the moon different from Earth's composition?

The Moon is primarily composed of rock and metal, lacking Earth's liquid outer core and thick atmosphere. It has a higher abundance of certain elements like iron and aluminum, while lacking volatile elements like water and carbon dioxide found on Earth. Additionally, the Moon lacks geological activity, such as plate tectonics and volcanism, which are essential processes shaping Earth's composition.

How lagre is the moon compare to earth?

1/6th the size.

The discovery that the moon is similar in composition to the outer portions of the earth most supports the theory?

The discovery that the moon is similar in composition to the earth's outer layers supports the giant impact hypothesis. This theory posits that a Mars-sized object collided with Earth early in its history, resulting in the formation of the moon from the debris ejected into space. The composition similarities between the moon and Earth provide evidence for this impactful formation.

Compare air pressure on earth to air pressure on the moon?

The moon has no air pressure because the moon has no air.

How does the gravitational pool of the moon compare to that of earth?

An object on the surface of the moon weighs about 1/6 as muchas it weighs on the surface of the Earth.

How does the weight of an object on earth compare with it's weight on the moon?

On the Earth, the object weighs 6.04 times as much as its weight on the moon.

What relative proportions do the earth and moon have compare to each other?

the relatrytuii

How does the gravitational pull of the moon on the side of Earth facing the moon compare with its pull on the opposite side?

It is weaker