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Q: How might the use of Arabic numerals be connected to Arabian trade?
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Agrabah is a fictional city depicted in the movie Aladdin. In the movie, characters speak English, but it is implied that the native language might be Arabic, as culture and architecture in Agrabah are inspired by Middle Eastern themes.

How did the Arabian Nights come into existence?

The specific origins of the stories in Arabian Nights are unknown. It is agreed that the stories were passed down verbally for centuries before being recorded in the 14th century. The stories have origins in Indian, Persian, and Arabic oral traditions. Around the time that the stories were recorded in writing, the Arabic-speaking world was experiencing a renaissance of art and culture, which might explain the desire to spread the stories in writing.Citations: encyclopedia(.)com, article: The Arabian Nightspookpress(.)co(.)uk, article: Arabian Nights – One Thousand and One Nights

What kind of things have the roman number on it?

A CLOCK has roman numerals! Not every clock has roman numerals but if you have kind an elegant clock or an old styled one you might have it! Another place you might find roman numerals are on sheet music, where chords may be indicated with roman numerals.

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It is difficult to predict with certainty, but languages like English, Mandarin, and Spanish are likely to continue to dominate globally due to their widespread use in business, education, and technology. Additionally, with the rise of technology and global communication platforms, languages may become more interconnected and diverse.

What number is XS in Roman numerals?

XS in Roman Numerals might be 10.5 or 10 1/2. Ten and a half.

What is 1952 in Roman Numerals?

MDCCCCLII or LMMII and it is not MCMLII as you might have expected.

What is 1992 in roman numerals?

MDCCCCLXXXXII or XMMII and not MCMXCII as you might of expected.MCMXCII

What laguage might dominate in the future?

Probably English or Arabic

How do you write 1993 in roman numerals?

MDCCCCLXXXXIII or XMMIII and it is not MCMXCIII as you might have expected

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If the continents were once connected, similarities in coastline features could include similar shapes, geological structures, and fossil evidence of past connections. Additionally, the coastlines might have similar trends or patterns that suggest common tectonic history.

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