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Q: How might weihenmayer's presence have contrebuted to the great success of the expedition with 19 climbers reaching the summit?
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Why did Lewis and Clark believe that the presence of Sacajawea's baby might have a beneficial effect on the expedition?

If her baby was ill they would have to stop their expedition

Why did Lewis and Clark believe that the presence of Sacajawea baby might have a beneficial effect on the expedition?

If her baby was ill they would have to stop their expedition

What Shoshone guide assisted Lewis and Clark on their expedition of the Louisiana territory?

Sacagawea, a Shoshone woman, assisted Lewis and Clark on their expedition of the Louisiana Territory. She accompanied them as an interpreter and guide, helping to negotiate interactions with other indigenous tribes and navigate the unfamiliar terrain. Her presence was crucial to the success of the expedition.

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The leader of the last major Spanish expedition into Oklahoma was Juan de Rivera in 1720. He was a Spanish military officer and explorer who led the expedition to establish Spanish presence in the area and to establish friendly relations with local Native American tribes.

What are facts about sacajewea?

Sacagawea was a Lemhi Shoshone woman who traveled with the Lewis and Clark Expedition in 1805-1806. She served as an interpreter, guide, and negotiator, helping the expedition navigate the Rocky Mountains and establish relations with Native American tribes. Sacagawea's presence was crucial to the success of the expedition and she remains a significant figure in American history.

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What countries were involved in the Lewis and Clark expedition?

The Lewis and Clark expedition was an exploration journey commissioned by President Thomas Jefferson in 1804. Led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, the expedition primarily involved the United States, specifically exploring the western territories acquired through the Louisiana Purchase. The expedition aimed to map a route to the Pacific Ocean and establish American presence in the newly acquired lands.

What tools did sacagwea use?

Sacagawea is known for her role as an interpreter and guide on the Lewis and Clark Expedition. She used her knowledge of the land and her language skills to help the expedition navigate through unfamiliar territory, communicate with Native American tribes, and gather crucial information about the region. She did not use any specific tools, but her presence and contributions were invaluable to the success of the expedition.

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What did sacaguea have to do with the Lewis and clark expedition?

Sacagawea was a Shoshone woman who served as a guide and interpreter for the Lewis and Clark expedition in the early 19th century. She played a vital role in helping the expedition navigate unfamiliar territories, establish relationships with Native American tribes, and secure vital resources for their journey. Her presence and knowledge of the land were crucial to the success of the expedition.

How did sacagewea aid Lewis and clark?

Sacagawea served as an interpreter and mediator with Native American tribes encountered during the Lewis and Clark expedition. Her knowledge of the land and ability to communicate facilitated peaceful interactions and helped the expedition navigate unfamiliar territory. Additionally, her presence as a Shoshone woman helped the expedition obtain horses from her tribe, which was crucial for crossing the Rocky Mountains.

What challenges might the expedition have faced without Sacajawea?

Without Sacajawea, the expedition would have faced challenges such as language barriers with Native American tribes, difficulty navigating unfamiliar territories, and a higher risk of hostility from those they encountered. Sacajawea's knowledge of the land, ability to communicate with different tribes, and her presence as a woman helped to facilitate the expedition's success.