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115+ but with hard work and nolife i guess people with lower scores can finish it.

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Q: How much IQ do you need to get into any university?
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What is Wentworth Miller's IQ?

He has an IQ of 164, He Graduated from princeton university.

How much IQ can a horse get?

There is currently no way to determine an IQ score for an animal of any kind, that is something that is specific to humans.

What IQ score needed to become a doctor?

Becoming a doctor doesn't depend so much on your IQ, but more on the grades you get. You need As and Bs at A-level Chemistry, Biology and/or Maths. Becoming a doctor doesn't depend so much on your IQ, but more on the grades you get. You need As and Bs at A-level Chemistry, Biology and/or Maths.

If you wasy 124 is that too much for a average 12 year old?

124 is quite a high IQ score for any age, but I don't believe there is a thing as "too much" IQ.

What is Denzel's IQ?

The IQ of actor Denzel Washington is not in the public record. He does, however, have a degree from the prestigious Fordham University.

What should your IQ be for an 32 year old?

The average IQ is 100 for any age. The average IQ is 100 for any age.

Is 132 a good IQ score for a 12-yr-old boy?

any IQ above 100 is more than the average IQ. An average IQ for any age is 100.

What is an average IQ for a 12 year old boy?

IQ doesn't change with age. IQ is about how much intelligence you can gain, not how much you have. The IQ of an average person is around 100 more or less.

How educated is Julian Assange?

He got a very high IQ in university

This college has the highest IQ?

Reed College,University of Chicago

What is the nomal IQ for 13 year old?

IQ has nothing to do with age. Average IQ for ANY age is 100.

Can you take an IQ test without any personal info?

it depends on the IQ test. online usually not its usually a scam but if you doa pro one they may need you phone number or address