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Q: How much bleeding to expect in a 5 weeks miscarriage?
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How is much blood loss would be there at 5 weeks if i had a miscarriage?

Typically, a five week miscarriage would cause bleeding like a period.

Is bleeding with no pain at EIGHTEEN weeks pregnant a sign of miscarriage?

That depends on how much bleeding? Did you recently have sex because that can cause some bleeding. You don't always have to be in pain to miscarry. You should call your ob/gyn immediately.

Will your uterus return to its normal size after a miscarriage of six weeks?

Yes, it should do. At 6 weeks, it won't have got much bigger. I would expect it would take about 6 weeks for it to get back to its normal size again.

How much bleeding causes a miscarriage?

Bleeding is a symptom of miscarriage, not the cause. If a woman is miscarrying, it usually means the embryo/fetus has already died and the bleeding starts when the body recognizes that it is no longer pregnant and starts to clean out the uterus so that the fertility cycle can begin again.

After a miscarriage do you stay in the hospital over night?

depends on how late the miscarriage is, and how much bleeding it causes. Early misscarriages usually don't cause much bleeding, so not much point in hospitalization. Late misscarriages can be rather messy and quite dangerous for the woman, so are more probable to lead to some hospitalization.

What does a fetus look like after miscarriage at 6 weeks?

If you have a miscarriage at six weeks you probably won't see much more than blood clots as the embryo is still very small. See the link for a timeline and pictures.

How long does the fetus stay in the female when she has a miscarriage?

It depends very much on how long it takes the womans body to expell the pregnancy. It can happen straight away or can take a few days depending on how heavy the bleeding is. I was 10 weeks 5 days pregant and had a ultrasound, it showed the baby had died of turner syndrome at 8 weeks...My body had not expelled the fetus, nor showed any signs of doing so..I ended up have to D & C' my body held that baby for 2 weeks I was almost 12 weeks pregnant and then started showing signs of miscarriage, an ultrasound showed that the fetus stopped developing at 5 weeks. That means it took 7 weeks for my body to expell it.

Is it possible to bleed because of a miscarriage?

It can be a sign of a miscarriage or it can just be "normal" bleeding. If you are bleeding, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. With a miscarriage the bleeding is usually "chunky" and you have cramps, but not always. It could be a sign of miscarriage if its heavy bleeding like a period i had a miscarriage 2 months ago and mine started out with mild cramps then i started to sopt brown and then i was bleeding like a normal period and a few hours later the cramps got really bad talk to your doctor about this. Dont worry to much over it some women do spot when they are pregnant. Good Luck!

Your girl friend is about 4 12 weeks Pregnant She just had some bleeding but it was not much no cramps no clots and it was a very light pink What would cause this?

if you was having sex it could be from just that ..... or she could have a incompotent cervix which means it opens to early i started bleeding at 26 weeks i called the doctor and went to the hospital it is always safer to check she should too she could have also had a miscarriage hard to tell with her nto being pregnant long

A pregnancy test result was negative then you started bleeding. Now you've taken two pregnancy tests reading positive. Did you have a miscarriage when you started bleeding?

This is difficult to answer. It depends on whether you performed one or more pregnancy tests. If you only took one test then its very possible this test was faulty but false positives are not as common as false negatives. If the bleeding arrived when your period was due and was exactly like a period then I would personally believe this was your period and is not caused by a miscarriage.

How much blood is fine at 6 weeks of pregnancy?

if you are bleeding during pregnancy you should seek medical advice

What should you see with a 12 week miscarriage?

During a miscarriage at the 12 week point you can see large clots (that look much like raw liver) and you can also see the baby's body. The baby will look somewhat grey (hence the term grey matter). You should bleed for a few days. At first the bleeding and cramping might be severe but if there are no complications and the miscarriage is a complete miscarriage the symptoms will lessen.