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Q: How much butter did they take on the Titanic?
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Related questions

How much room did the Titanic take up in the ocean?

Titanic was 882 ft. long.

How much did it take Titanic from Belfast to Queenstown?

Titanic went from Cherbourg (France) to Queenstown. It did not make a stop at Belfast.

How much did a Titanic engineer earn a day?

take a break .... have a kitkat

How much money will you get if you found the Titanic?

Nothing, the Titanic was found years ago. James Cameron recently went down there to take a look at it.

How many people can the Titanic holed?

The Titanic was not 'holed'. However, if the question was 'How many people can the Titanic HOLD?' then the answer is 3547, I believe. More if there were passengers who would not take up much room, eg. babies.

How much peanut butter does it take for a sandwich?

just enough for your needs.

Why should you not take too much sugar and butter?

They make you fat.

When was the Titanic built and how long did it take?

titanic was completed in 1911

How much did titanic cost?

titanic cost £7,500,000

What time did the Olympic crashed Titanic?

The Olympic never collided with her sister ship the Titanic, either in port or out at sea. The only vessel to have a near-miss with the Titanic was the much smaller American liner the United States as Titanic was leaving the port of Southampton- she was dragged into the much bigger ship's path, breaking her mooring lines and causing the Titanic's captain E.J.Smith to take evasive action, but there was no impact.

Did a giant squid attack the titanic?

No. The Titanic is much much much bigger than any possible squid could be. The Titanic sank because it hit an iceberg.

How many year did take to duild the titanic?

2years to buit titanic.