

Best Answer

A child aged under 16, can not be paid minimum wage or more.

Also a child under 16 can not work in a full time or part time job, or a job that causes risk to their health, and they can not work instead of go to school.

The only jobs children can do are things like paper-rounds, baby sitting, car washing ect.

Wrong. See here:

As of 2008 that amount was $5150/yr.

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Q: How much can a child earn and still be claimed as a dependent?
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How much can a dependent earn before no longer being claimed as a dependent?

Generally if the dependent has gross income of $3,950 or more for 2014, they cannot be claimed as a dependent.

Can a dependent earn too much to be claimed on your tax return?

A "dependent" who supports themselves isn't really your dependent, and therefore can't be claimed as one.

Does a child have a right to some of their parents income tax if they are claimed?

No, because that makes the child a dependent for tax purposes.

What is the maximum income an adult child can earn and still be taken as a dependent on a federal income tax return?

For 2007, the child cannot have gross income of over $3,400.

Children under age 24 who are full-time students are exempt from what dependency tests?

Children under age 24 who are full-time students are exempt from the support test when determining if they can be claimed as a dependent on someone else's tax return. This means they can earn money and still be claimed as a dependent as long as they provide less than half of their own financial support.

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You need to contact the Department of Employment Security directly for details. How much you can earn, if anything, depends on your dependent status and other factors.

Does a 17 year old file a tax return?

Generally, they are claimed as a dependent and included with their parents. However, if that isn't the case, and they made income, they would need and want to. See the q; How much income do you have to earn before you file income tax

How do you earn kumon points?

You have to earn the points. The following: Enroll a child, each month ect.

Can you claim a child 17?

All of the rules for you and the child have to be met that would allow you to be able to claim an individual as a qualifying child (QC) dependent on your income tax form. For all of the rules go to the IRS gov web site and use the search box for PUBLICATION 17 go to chapter 3. Personal Exemptions and Dependents Qualifying Child There are six tests that must be met for a child to be your qualifying child. The six tests are 1 Relationship 2 Age 3 Residency 4 Support 5 Joint return, and 6 Special test for qualifying child of more than one person. These tests are explained next. Table 3-1 Overview of the Rules for Claiming an Exemption for a Dependent

How much can you earn in 2009 before you file taxes?

The minimum income required to file US. income taxes for tax year 2009 depends on your age and what your filing status is: If single and under 65, you must file taxes if you earn $9,350. If single and 65 or older, you must file taxes if you earn $10,750. If married filing jointly, with both spouses under 65, you must file if you earn $18,700. If married filing jointly, with one spouse 65 or older, you must file if you earn $19,800. If married filing jointly, with both spouses 65 or older, you must file if you earn $20,900. If married but filing separately, any age, you must file if you earn only $3,650. If filing as head of household and under 65, you must file if you earn $12,000. If filing as head of household and 65 or older, you must file if you earn $13,400. If you are a qualifying widower with a dependent child and under 65, you must file if you earn $15,050. If you are a qualifying widower with a dependent child and 65 or older, you must file if you earn $16,150.

Custodial parent keeps child support payments when child does no reside with them?

Then why are they still the custodial parent? The court order doesn't say they only get child support while the child lives with them, it says you have to pay it every month, not what they have to do to earn it. Go back to court for a modification.see links

How much money can earn babysitting business earn?

Ten dollars a child per hour>