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Around 60 million US Dollar

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Q: How much do a azipod propulsion cost?
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Related questions

What is an azipod?

An azipod is an azimuth thruster, an engine and ship's propeller in an underslung pod which is azimuth adjustable.

How much does the air propulsion gun cost on just cause 2 for xbox?

It's free on sometimes.

How much did it cost to build the Titanic and how much would it cost to build it today?

In 1912, Titanic was built to the tune of $7.5M US. There is a Titanic hotel being built in China (as of 2017) but there is no propulsion so it's not quite the same thing.

What are two types of propulsion in swimming?

Umm...the question is a little vague (is it for a project, are there more details?), so I'll offer as much as I find relevant. You can split it into arm propulsion or leg propulsion. You can split it into the four strokes: butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, freestyle. You can split it into surface propulsion and underwater propulsion. Be more specific and I can help you more.

What is propulsion in anatomy?


How does a UFO work?

The question is a real tough one to crack, but given the advances in physics and science much research is underway to built a UFO and the basic strategies pursued could be one or many incorporated of the following: 1)Electro-gravitic propulsion 2)Plasma propulsion 3)Magneto-hydrodynamic propulsion 4)Fusion propulsion 5)Inertial propulsion

What propulsion improved airplane flight?

Jet propulsion improved airplane flights. Before that piston engines were used. They were much slower compared to the jet engine.

What is a synonym and antonym of propulsion?

Some synonyms for propulsion are drive, energy, momentum, power, speed, or thrust. Propulsion is a noun, there is no antonym except 'no propulsion'.

Where does an airplane get its propulsion?

The aircraft's propulsion comes from its engines.

By how much can the ion propulsion system increase the speed of the Dawn spacecraft?

100 times?

What is used for propulsion in squid?

Squids use their tentacles for propulsion.

When was Berg Propulsion created?

Berg Propulsion was created in 1912.