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Q: How much do people recycle in different countries?
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How much do people recycle per year?

about 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,

How many people recycle world wide?

Much less people than needed.

What will happen if you do not recycled?

If people did not recycle, then the supply of plastic would run out much faster.

Does China recycle just as much as we do or does China not recycle at all?


How does pollution effect the?

people can die if they inhale the pollution, no loitering always recycle , not much pollution

Can you recycle bullet proof glass?

Yes, you can recycle pretty much anything.

How do you use recycle in a sentence?

To reduce global warming, I try to recycle paper and water bottles as often as I can. When I finish my water bottles,i put it in the recycling bin. My mom told me that if you recycle,you are helping the environment. If we recycle everything we produce, the world will be a much better place.

How much do humans recycle?

humans recycle more then 1000n tonnes of recycling each year

How do people in different countries allocate their budgets for clothing and accessories?

How much people spend on their clothing in other countries depends on what country. For instance, European woman spend a great deal on clothing. They have some beautiful designers and jewelers.

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How can you recycle silly bandz?

There isn't much you can do to recycle it...... Your best hope is giving it to somone else who will use it....... If it's brokenn you can't recycle it.............. <3 MC

How do you protect envorinment?

-You recycle-Tell people not to liter-Pick the trashes around sewers or pretty much anywhere you see-Don't polluteThat's pretty much it