

How much does 1 cinnamon stick weigh?

Updated: 5/30/2024
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10y ago

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About 4 grams per cinnamon quill.

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1w ago

On average, one cinnamon stick weighs about 2 grams. However, the weight can vary depending on the size and thickness of the stick.

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12y ago

about 9 lb

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Q: How much does 1 cinnamon stick weigh?
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A cinnamon stick has 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon powder. That's the amount I would suggest using. I found this answer at

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Approximatlely a teaspoonfull

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1 cinnamon stick to a quart.

Can you substitute saigon cinnamon for regular ground cinnamon?

Yes!! 1 stick= 1 tsp ground cinnamon oz. = 8 to 10 sticks (5" in length) 1 stick = 1 tsp ground

How many teaspoons ground cinnamon is equivelant to a 2 inch cinnamon stick?

The amount of powdered cinnamon you get from a cinnamon stick is a little more than the stick itself. As cinnamon is ground, it's dry properties cause it to absorb moisture out of the air, and that causes the appearance of more ground cinnamon. You will usually get about one teaspoon of ground cinnamon from a cinnamon stick.

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1 stick is 4 ounces.

Do you need the cinnamon stick to make the Baklava syrup?

No - cinnamon stick will give the cinnamon flavour. Powdered cinnamon will do as well (between 1/2 and 1 teaspoon) but when you pour the syrup over the baklava the powdered cinnamon will remain on the surface -it's not critical and won't effect flavour or 'mouth feel' but the appearance will be slightly different. Powdered cinnamon is more readily available than cinnamon quills.

How many cinnamon sticks in an 8 ounce package?

One cinnamon stick yields approximately 1/2 tsp. of ground cinnamon. So, 4 tsp. ground cinnamon = 8 cinnamon sticks.

How much cinnamon do you add to store bought ice cream to flavor it?

3 table spoons of cinnamon + 1 teaspoon of pure Nicaraguan coca powder. It should be noted that the ice cream MUST be stirred with a cinnamon stick to attain maximum flavor.