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Q: How much does a Hurley stick weigh?
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The answer depends on how long and thick the stick is.

How much does a wooden hockey stick weigh?

Too much

How much does an old hockey stick weigh?

My hockey stick weighs 595g.

How much does one stick butter weigh?

1 stick is 4 ounces.

How much does a stick of butter weigh in Hawaii?

The same as a stick of butter weighs anywhere - 4 oz.

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A glue stick weighs 5.65 grams

What is the sport of hurley?

The sport of you refer to is called Hurling, not hurley. It is a uniquely Irish game. Played with a stick and ball, it is a fast paced game, much like an airborne version of hockey (if you can imagine that). You can use the stick to hit the ball. Hands can be used to pass the ball, though not throw it. Its called a hand pass and is useful for short distance or if someone is hooking u ie uses there stick to stop you swing with your stick. See the related question below.

How much does a newborn panda weigh?

A newborn Panda is the size and weight of a stick of butter.

What do you hit the hurley with?

You don't hit it with anything. The stick is called a hurley sometimes, though the proper name is a camán. You use it to hit the ball which is known as a sliothar. Both words are from the Irish language.

How much does 1 cinnamon stick weigh?

On average, one cinnamon stick weighs about 2 grams. However, the weight can vary depending on the size and thickness of the stick.

Jack axe found a stick that weighed exactly two pounds If jack cut the stick into eight equal pieces how much would each piece weigh?

each piece would weigh one quarter of a pound

Where did the game hurley originate and why is hockey believed to be a form of hurley?

The sport you are referring to is Hurling. Some people call it hurley which is an informal name for the sport and the stick used. Hurling is one of the national sports of Ireland, where it comes from. It origins go back thousands of years. It is the fastest field game in the world. Like hockey, it is a stick and ball field game, but the two sports are very different. See the related questions below.