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Q: How much does a community organizer make?
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What was obamas job before he became a politition?

He was a community organizer, a law professor at University of Chicago, IL State Senator and US Senator from IL.

Who worked as a community organizer in Chicago?

Barack Obama

Before obama was the in politics what did he do?

Community organizer and a lawyer.

What city was Barack Obama community organizer?

Chicago, Illinois

How long was barach obama a community organizer?

He did this from 1985-1988

What is the responsibilities of livelihood officer?

What is the responsibilities of Community Social organizer

What did César Chávez do for a living before becoming a community organizer?

He was a farmer

Did Romney work as a community organizer in Chicago?

No, Mitt Romney has never held that job. Barack Obama was the one who worked as a community organizer and an advocate for the poor, at a Catholic-run charitable organization in Chicago.

When did he work as a civil rights lawyer and as a community organizer in New York and Chicago?

He worked as a civil rights lawyer and community organizer in New York and Chicago during the 1980s and early 1990s.

Was Obama a police chief?

No, he was a lawyer and a community organizer, but wasn't ever in the police.

Where was Obama's first job?

His first job after college was as a community organizer in Chicago.

How much weight can a hanging storage organizer handle?

It depends on what kind of organizer you are hanging. For example, a garage hanging storage organizer can hold up to 250 pounds. However, a closet organizer for clothing can hold much less weight.