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A hammerhead shark eats enough food until they aren't hungry . Scientists have not found officially how much they eat

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Q: How many times a day does hammerhead sharks eat?
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How many fish do hammerhead sharks eat a day?


Do hammerhead sharks hunt alone?

Hammerhead sharks gather in large shoals during the day, then hunt alone at night. so i would say no

How often do sharks sleep?

hammerhead sharks sleep for 2 to 3 hours a day

What are the hammerhead shark's defenses?

Hammerhead sharks have rows of teeth. During the day they swim in schools but they hunt alone at night.

How many times do a hammerhead shark eat a day?

i don't know ah ah

How active is the hammerhead shark?

Hammer head sharks are mostly activ during the day and a little at night. What do you think are they. active more at night or day you awnser.

How many times a day does a great white shark eat?

Great white sharks eat mostly all day.

Are hammerhead sharks carnivores or omnivores?

No, not naturally. However, if it feels threatened, the hammerhead shark WILL attack humans. This is the cause of great white sharks. Everyone thinks that the sharks eat people, but it's just because people are threatening their territory.

How long does it take a hammerhead shark to reproduce?

hammer heads usually sleep for up to three hours a day because if they stop moving they withday do they move their tail (back fins) as they sleep

How much food can sharks eat a day?

some sharks can eat up to 763.9 pounds a day

How many times a day do you scratch?

2,000 times a day

Are there megalodon sharks in Florida?

yes, but there aren't many sharks in the Florida keys.... a few types of sharks that live there is the mako shark (shortfin) also known as mackerel shark, the nurse shark, hammerhead shark and some other reef sharks.*********************Every time you go snorkeling or diving in the Keys, you will see Barracuda, Nursesharks, and if you go much, you will see Large reef sharks, Schools of Hamerheads, and always Blackfin sharks. don't let anyone fool you; but with caution, generally they don't bother you unless you wear shiny jewelry and have a fish or crawfish in your hand that they want.