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350 billion per pound

It is $10 per microgram

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9y ago

Californium-252 is available at 10 US $/microgram.

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Related questions

How much californium is in humans?

Any californium in the human body.

How much does californium cost per 100g?

Very probable the cost will be 1 000 000 000 $; but this mass doesn't exist in all the world !

How much californium is in the average human?

We don't contain californium excepting a professional contamination.

What element is named after a university on the west cost of the us?

Berkelium and Californium .

What is the cost per gram of californium?

The cost per gram of californium is estimated to be around $27,000,000.

How much does californium weigh?

Californium is a radioactive element with a density of approximately 15.1 grams per cubic centimeter. The weight of californium would depend on the quantity being measured.

This element was named after the state of California?

Not much originality here - Californium, atomic number 98.

Can californium pass through solids?

Not californium, but neutrons emitted by californium.

Can californium conduct electricity?

Yes, californium is a heavy radioactive metal that can conduct electricity, like most other metals. However, its practical use in conducting electricity is limited due to its high cost, rarity, and radioactive nature.

How many stable isotopes are in the element californium?

There are two stable isotopes of californium: californium-249 and californium-251.

Is californium deadly?

Californium is radioactive and a strong neutrons emitter; californium can be lethal.

How many protons californium has?

Californium has 98 protons.