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Sebastian Hutchcraft

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9mo ago
Why do u want to know u little buffy simp
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Q: How much does it cost to feed Buffy in a year?
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How much does it cost to feed Buffy a year?


How much does feed cost in a year for horses?

About $600.00

How much does it cost to feed a 5 year old for a year?

it would cost around $1000 to $2000 it would cost around $1000 to $2000

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100,000 a year

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How huch it cost to feed a panda in a year

How much does it cost to feed a hog per year?

alot ;p lol kay

How much does it cost to feed a teenager for a year?

personaly i eat about a thousand mcdonalds a year

How much does it cost to feed a reptile per week?

this question is unable to be answerd try again next year :(

How much money does a horse owner make per year?

nothing they cost you a lot of money to feed and keep

How much does it cost to feed a stock horse?

Stock horse is a type and not really a breed, therefore the cost to feed one would depend on several factors, these include: Weight, activity level, age, time of year, and local feed prices.

how much do you have to feed a dog?

How much to feed a dog for a year

How much money would it cost to feed a zebra for one year?

well you want me to answer now i think about 900 dollars