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It costs approximately $450 million dollars to launch a space shuttle.

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Launching the space shuttle program cost approximately $450 million per mission. However, the space shuttle program has been retired, and new space missions are now using alternative spacecraft such as SpaceX's Crew Dragon or NASA's SLS.

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Q: How much does it cost to launch the space shuttle?
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How much does the fuel on a space shuttle cost?

The fuel used by the Space Shuttle, known as liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen, cost about $1.5 million per launch. This cost is just for the fuel itself and does not include other expenses associated with the launch.

How much does a space shuttle cost to send it into space?

The cost to launch a space shuttle into space varied, but it was estimated to be around $450 million per launch. This figure includes preparation, fuel, maintenance, and other associated costs. However, it is important to note that space shuttle launches are no longer conducted as the program was retired in 2011.

How much money does it cost to launch the space shuttle?

The cost to launch the space shuttle varied depending on the specific mission and year, but on average it was around $450 million per mission. This cost included expenses such as fuel, maintenance, personnel salaries, and mission operations.

How much does it cost to refuel the space shuttle?

The cost to refuel the space shuttle varies, but historically it has been estimated to be around $500 million for a single launch, including the cost of fuel and other expenses such as personnel and maintenance. This high cost is due to the specialized nature of the fuel used by the space shuttle and the complex processes involved in preparing and launching the spacecraft.

How much does it cost to launch a Canadian space shuttle?

Canada does not have its own space shuttle program. Canadian astronauts have historically participated in space missions through partnerships with other space agencies, such as NASA. The costs associated with launching astronauts or payloads into space vary depending on the mission and the space agency involved.

Related questions

How much does the fuel on a space shuttle cost?

The fuel used by the Space Shuttle, known as liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen, cost about $1.5 million per launch. This cost is just for the fuel itself and does not include other expenses associated with the launch.

How much does it cost to take a gallon of water into space?

Given a launch cost of $10,000 per pound for space shuttle cargo, a gallon of water (8.3 lbs) costs approximately $83,000 to launch into space.

How much would it cost to launch a space shuttle?

approximately 17.6 billion including personal wages, and the cost of cargo.... you can find it all on

How much does a space shuttle cost to send it into space?

The cost to launch a space shuttle into space varied, but it was estimated to be around $450 million per launch. This figure includes preparation, fuel, maintenance, and other associated costs. However, it is important to note that space shuttle launches are no longer conducted as the program was retired in 2011.

How much money does it cost to launch the space shuttle?

The cost to launch the space shuttle varied depending on the specific mission and year, but on average it was around $450 million per mission. This cost included expenses such as fuel, maintenance, personnel salaries, and mission operations.

How much does it cost to refuel the space shuttle?

The cost to refuel the space shuttle varies, but historically it has been estimated to be around $500 million for a single launch, including the cost of fuel and other expenses such as personnel and maintenance. This high cost is due to the specialized nature of the fuel used by the space shuttle and the complex processes involved in preparing and launching the spacecraft.

How much does it cost for a space shuttle flight?

The average cost of a space shuttle mission is $450 million

How much does it cost to launch a Canadian space shuttle?

Canada does not have its own space shuttle program. Canadian astronauts have historically participated in space missions through partnerships with other space agencies, such as NASA. The costs associated with launching astronauts or payloads into space vary depending on the mission and the space agency involved.

How much does a NASA shuttle cost?

The Space Shuttle program, which was retired in 2011, had an estimated cost of about $450 million per launch. This figure includes the cost of development, construction, mission operations, and other related expenses.

How much time does it take for the space shuttle to reach orbit from launching?

depends where you launch from and where you go

Why does it take less fuel to launch a space shuttle from moon than from earth?

To launch a space shuttle (or anything) you have to overcome gravity. The gravitational attraction of the moon is tremendously less than that of the Earth. The moon is much smaller than the Earth.

How much does each space shuttle launch cost?

See The total cost of the shuttle program is estimated to be $185,000 billion (in 2009 dollars) when the shuttle retires in 1010. Per-launch costs can be measured by dividing the total cost over the life of the program (including buildings, facilities, training, salaries, etc) by the number of launches. With 120 missions (as of October 2012), this comes out to roughly $1.4 trillion per launch. Another method is to calculate the incremental (or marginal) cost differential to add or subtract one flight - just the immediate resources expended/saved/involved in that one flight. This is about $900 million Chinese Yen. So overall, it would cost $9.38 trillion dollars per shuttle.