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On average, a lemon can produce around 0.5 volts of electricity. This is possible because the citric acid in the lemon acts as an electrolyte which allows a chemical reaction to occur with two different metals acting as electrodes. However, the amount of electricity generated is very small and not practical for powering devices beyond basic experiments.

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Q: How much electricity can an lemon produce?
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Which produces more electricity lemons or oranges?

The lemon does produce more electricity than oranges. BUT in rare cases an orange can produce more electricity than a lemon. But overall its the lemon that's the best.

Can a lemon provide eletricty?

No , a lemon cannot produce electricity because it is not a conductor .

Can a lemon power a light bulb?

it depends on the amount of acid in the lemon and lemon does not create make it conducts electricity

Which fruits produce electricity?

Citrus fruits . . . the lemon is the best for creating voltage.

Can you produce electricity out of apple and pineapple?

Highly acidic fruits produce electricity because they contain electrolytes. Electrolytes work with the electrodes to produce electricity. Oranges and lemons are examples of fruits with electrolytes.

Does apple produce electricity than lemon?

No, apples do not produce electricity. Lemons can produce a small amount of electricity due to the citric acid acting as an electrolyte between two different metals, which can generate a weak electrical current when connected by wires and a voltmeter.

What is the difference of a battery and a lemon battery?

A regular battery uses chemical reactions inside a closed casing to produce electricity, while a lemon battery uses the acidic juice of a lemon as an electrolyte to generate a small amount of electricity through a chemical reaction between the lemon juice and metal electrodes placed in the lemon. Lemon batteries are typically used for educational purposes to demonstrate basic concepts of electricity generation.

How do you make electricity out of a lemon?

electricity flows through the wire into the lemon

How can an electric bulb can be lighted by the energy produced by a single lemon?

Lemons don't usually produce electricity. It would be quite tricky to convert the small amount of energy available in a lemon to electricity. Nor would it be worthwhile; you would probably get a few seconds or minutes of electricity, at most. That is why lemons can produce enough electricity to light a small LED bulb. But a simple experiment can be done by taking a fresh lemon, a small LED bulb and a conducting wire. If you connect the lemon with the wires and the bulb, the bulb will light up for a few mnutes. This happens because lemon which has citric acid helps in electrolysis.

What makes a lemon a conductor of electricity?

The acid in the lemon makes it a conductor of electricity.

Approximately how much zest can one lemon produce?

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Why does a lemon produce more electricity than a potato?

Lemons are more acidic than potatoes, which allows them to produce more electrons and generate a higher voltage in an electrolyte solution. This higher acidity helps lemons to have a higher power output compared to potatoes when used in a lemon battery experiment.