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im not sure what u mean but theres preschool then 5 yrs of elementary school then 4 yrs of middle school then 4 yrs of high school then college.

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Q: How much grades are there in total?
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''how many grades are there''?

There is 11 grades total not counting College

How do you get your report card average?

You add up all of the score/grades and then you divide by the amount of scores/grades total. So if you had 10 scores/grades total you would add them all up and then divide them by 10.

What kinda grades for sport therapist?

The kind were your not a total loser

What are the average grades of children with lots of homework?

maybe an A but if you have too much hw, the stress will be too much a you will have a panic attack= bad grades

What is the theme of the book the actual total truth?

to get good grades in school

What does a 04.0 Grade point Deficit total mean in terms of grades?

this means that your grades all a's and u have a awesome grade point average (gpa)

How much is 100 points in grades?

i think its 10 %

Do you need good grades to get into the military?

Of course you need to have good grades... as much as possible don't have grades below 85% . That's the standard grade you need to have to be able to get into the military. :)

What do you do when your mum and dad are mad at you because your grades are low?

Explain to them that grades are a completely inaccurate measurement of how much you know and/or have learned.

How much cheaper is it to get your learner's permit if you're a student with higher school grades?

The price of the learners permit isn't much different, but automobile insurance is a lot cheaper with good grades.

What is the formula in getting Mean Percentage score?

the total grades of the student in a particular subject area divided by the total number of students multiplied by 100

How do you average 70 percent test grade and 30 percent homework grades?

It is not possible to answer the question without knowing how much of the total each one is worth. If they are both equally important, then the answer is 50% but they are rarely (if ever) equally important. If the test grade is worth x percent of the total - not your grade but how much weight it carries in the total - then the average is [x*70+(1-x)*30]/100