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It matters how many combs are in the honeycomb . Hope i helped .

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Q: How much honey can be stored in one honeycomb?
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What is one simile in wind in the willows?

Butter running through the holes in it in great drops like honey running from the honeycomb

Where can one purchase edible honey comb?

Edible Honey comb can be purchased from specialized bee websites such as SavannahBee - which also sells honey but is licensed. Another option is Amazon, which resells edible honeycomb from other sites for a cheaper price.

Where are the honey bees babies born?

Answer is the cell in a wax honeycomb: The one queen bee of a colony lays thousands of eggs - each into one cell in a wax honeycomb produced by worker bees. Larvae hetch from those eggs and are being fed. This is the "baby" form of a bee. The bee hetches after several moltings. The feeding decides if it becomes a succeeding queen (with royal jelly) or one of the many workers (first royal jelly, later honey and pollen).

How much honey is in pint jar?

You will usually find one pint of honey in an unopened one pint jar.

What is the meaning of honey?

A sweet viscid fluid, esp. that collected by bees from flowers of plants, and deposited in the cells of the honeycomb., That which is sweet or pleasant, like honey., Sweet one; -- a term of endearment., To be gentle, agreeable, or coaxing; to talk fondly; to use endearments; also, to be or become obsequiously courteous or complimentary; to fawn., To make agreeable; to cover or sweeten with, or as with, honey.

What is the connotative meaning of honey?

A sweet viscid fluid, esp. that collected by bees from flowers of plants, and deposited in the cells of the honeycomb., That which is sweet or pleasant, like honey., Sweet one; -- a term of endearment., To be gentle, agreeable, or coaxing; to talk fondly; to use endearments; also, to be or become obsequiously courteous or complimentary; to fawn., To make agreeable; to cover or sweeten with, or as with, honey.

How much honey do you put on the honey trees to get muncklax in Pokemon diamond?

Only One. Using more honey does not change the rarity of the Pokémon that you get from the tree.

How much sugar does one cup of honey have?

About 278 grams.

Can a tessellation be 3D?

Yes they can. One interesting one is called a Honeycomb tessellation.

How big is a honeycomb?

A honeycomb is about one inch long and wide. It is actually past one centimeter long. It is 1 centimeter and eight sixteenths centimeters long or one and a half centimeters long in length and in width.

How can you find pure honey from adulteration?

Drop one teaspoon of honey in a bowl of water. If it dissolves quickly, it means that your honey is adulterated. If it doesn't, then you can be sure that it is pure. This is because pure honey doesn't have any additives and and it is viscous where as adulterated honey has other ingredients which makes it dissolve quickly in water. Also you can find sugar crystals formed on top in adultered honey if stored for long period of time.

How much information can be stored in 1 byte of an IBM PC compatible?

One byte of information is … one byte … regardless of where it is stored.