

How much hours is 2 and a half day?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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7y ago

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There are 60 hours in 2 and 1/2 days

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Q: How much hours is 2 and a half day?
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7 and one half hours = 15 half hours. There are 24 hours in a day, so there are 48 half hours in a day. Therefore the answer is 15/48, which can then be reduced to 5/16.

Why there has to be 24 hours in a day and not 13 hours?

24 is divisible by 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 and 12 so that it is easy to define half a day, a sixth of a day etc. 13 is a prime so even half a day would require working out half an hour.

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In one and a half day, there are 2,160 minutes in a day because there are 60 minutes in a hour, and there are 24 hours in a day and half of 24 hours (half a day) is 12, so 24+12=36, and 36(hours in 1 1/2 days ) times 60 minutes (total minutes per hour) equals 2,160 minutes in one and a half days. Step 1: 24x1/2=12 Step 2: 24+12=36 Step 3: 36x60=2,160 Your answer: There are 2,160 minutes in one and a half days.

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The inaguaration day parade 2009 lasted 2 and a half hours!

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no, my sister dose!

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1/2It is 12/24 which can be simplified to 1/2 a day

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2 and a half hours

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166 minutes is 2 hours and 46 minutes. There are 24 hours is one day. Therefore 166 minutes isn't even half a day.

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About 24 and a half. Mars' day is roughly 1/2 hour longer than ours.

How many hours is too much tv?

Well, 2 and a half hours or more is way to much and u can get blind if u are up to the TV for to long. If it is a movie and it gos for 2 hours or more that's FINE!!!