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4-5 inches.

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Q: How much intestines can be removed and still live?
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What other location other than the mouth is responsible for majority of mechanical digestion?

The intestines do most of the digestion: if too much of the intestines are removed the person dies.

Does eating to much causes damage to the large intestines?

it can cause the small intestines to stretch but i dont know about the large intestines

If your intestines hurt does that mean you have to fart?

YES... Well if you try to hold it in too long your intestines are still filled with gas which it want to release towards your rectum, which is also why farts smell bad. The reason some people have pain is when your intestines bloat too much streching your intestine walls...

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**offensive answer removed ** This question still needs an answer.

How much small intestine can be removed and still live?

The amount of small intestine that can be removed and still lead to survival depends on factors like the individual's overall health, the reason for the surgery, and any underlying conditions. Generally, removing up to half of the small intestine may still allow for adequate absorption of nutrients, while removing more than this may lead to malabsorption and require long-term supplementation. It is important to consult with a medical professional for personalized advice.

Does a chupacabra still live in Mexico?

As much as bigfoot still lives in the US.

How much blood is in the intestines?

around 13 or 14

Everytime there is a consumption of alchahol no matter how much it always results in diahrea the next day why?

Its actually your intestines decaying and being removed from your body. The only way to live without dieing in a year is toSTOP DRINKING alcohol!In all reality, you probably just have some sort of intolerance to alcohol. The best thing you can probably do is to stop drinking alcohol if you can. If you can't for some reason, you should probably see a doctor. But don't worry, your intestines wouldn't rot just because you are drinking alcohol!

How do roundworms affect people?

not much, but they live in the intestines and feed off the nutrients in the wastes that pass through the intestines. They are transmitted by eating or ingesting infected materials, covered in some kind of excrement or wastes from an infected animal, their life cycle is that they are ingested, pass through the stomach and hatch in the intestines. They mature by entering the blood stream and are then swallowed again into the stomach, where they finish growing, and go into the intestines and proceed to lay eggs, after this they are excreted and the process re starts.

Can your intestines wrap around the earth?

No, it is physically impossible for your intestines to wrap around the Earth. The Earth's circumference is approximately 24,901 miles, which is much larger than the length of the human intestines.

My IUD came out but is still in my cervix will it hurt when it is being removed?

It is likely to feel much better than it does right now. You might have a very brief cramp when it's removed, and then relief.

How much does the intestines weigh?

It weighs the same as the mass of the sun