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Bail is set by a magistrate, and there are many factors in determining the amount. Flight risk, proof of identity, numerous 'failure to appear' charges on a record, and the person's previous criminal history... All of these factor in the decision for bail amount. Bail is not a punishment, but a way of making sure a person shows up for court.

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10y ago

Depending on what County you live in will determin the bail amount set. Along with any damages that may have been encountered. You will need to check your Counties "Bail Schedule" this will inform you of the standard Bail Amount for Aggravated Assault.

If this happened in California generally Bail for Aggravated Assault will be set at: $25,000 up to $1,000,000 depending on what the arresting officer determins as "Aggravated" if including mayhem or just assualt aginst another.

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11y ago

Mine was set at 10,000 for a single burglary on a dwelling. If it is a structure such as a business it is 5,000. If there are grouped charges or multiple counts the bail may be higher, and differs depending on the state.

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Can a person be convicted of murder with evidence from an attempted murder case?

Certainly. Especially, if the Attempted Murder case is part and parcel of the murder charge that they are facing.

What is the bail amount for second degree murder?

The typical amount of bail for first-degree murder is NO BAIL. If there are special circumstances to the case, such as the reason for the murder is out of mercy and compassion, the judge may allow bail.

Is murder the same as attempted murder?

No, murder means you killed someone. Attempted murder means you tried to kill someone. You could still go to jail, though.

Attempted murder California?

Attempted murder is a serious criminal offense and can result in life in prison. If convicted of attempted murder in California, a person can be fined up to $10,000 and receive a life in prison sentence.

Can a person get bail with attempted murder?

Absolutely, as long as you have your bail and your attorney money.Another View: UNLESS, the judge deems you a flight risk because of your past actions or criminal record.

How much time do you actually do if sentenced to 14 years for attempted murder?

It depends on the state and the facility.

Can child abuse be considered attempted murder?

Difficult to answer simply. No, not in a legal sense. Attempted murder is a completely different offence. Of course the attempted murder of a child IS abuse but the charge is different, it may also be an additional charge. Being charged with child abuse is not the same as being charged with the attempted murder of a child.

In Florida can a person convicted of attempted murder be later charged with murder if victim dies?

Yes, only if person dies from injuries sustained from the attempted murder of that person.