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An answer to your question isn't possible. The amount depends on the ages of the children, the income of the parents, health insurance, etc. You need to visit your local family court and ask for a copy of the state child support guidelines. There is a formula that will give you an idea of the cost.

An answer to your question isn't possible. The amount depends on the ages of the children, the income of the parents, health insurance, etc. You need to visit your local family court and ask for a copy of the state child support guidelines. There is a formula that will give you an idea of the cost.

An answer to your question isn't possible. The amount depends on the ages of the children, the income of the parents, health insurance, etc. You need to visit your local family court and ask for a copy of the state child support guidelines. There is a formula that will give you an idea of the cost.

An answer to your question isn't possible. The amount depends on the ages of the children, the income of the parents, health insurance, etc. You need to visit your local family court and ask for a copy of the state child support guidelines. There is a formula that will give you an idea of the cost.

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13y ago

An answer to your question isn't possible. The amount depends on the ages of the children, the income of the parents, health insurance, etc. You need to visit your local family court and ask for a copy of the state child support guidelines. There is a formula that will give you an idea of the cost.

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Q: How much is child support for two children in North Carolina?
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Provide? Child support? That's my guess.