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A lot! Also depends on how fast you want to go. It takes a lot of energy to escape the earth's gravity. After than you can float to Mars but it could take many years.

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Q: How much jet fuel would it take to travel to mars?
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How much fuel do you need to get to Mars and back?

The amount of fuel needed to travel to Mars and back depends on various factors such as the spacecraft design, propulsion system, payload weight, and trajectory. For a mission like NASA's Mars Rover, Curiosity, it required around 2000 pounds (900 kg) of fuel for the journey to Mars. The return trip would require a similar amount of fuel.

How long far is earth from mars?

254 days by the most fuel-efficient orbit, IIRC. Distance doesn't matter as much as travel time, and Mars is pretty close.

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How many gallons of fuel would it take to go to mars and back?

The exact amount of fuel needed to travel to Mars and back would depend on the spacecraft design, propulsion system, and mission profile. Estimates suggest that a round trip to Mars would require tens of thousands of gallons of fuel due to the large distance and complex orbital dynamics involved in such a mission.

If it takes 18 months to travel from earth to mars how long would it take to travel from earth to Jupiter?

It would take about 9 years to travel from Earth to Jupiter, assuming a similar speed and trajectory as the trip from Earth to Mars. Jupiter is much farther away from Earth than Mars, so the journey would be significantly longer.

How much would it cost in diesel to travel 85 miles?

That depends on your fuel mileage.

If it takes 4.5 liters of fuel to travel 15metres how much will you need to travel 100km?

== == I think that would be 30,000 liters.

How much time is taken to travel to Mars?

10 years

Have the sounds on Mars been recorded?

Sounds on Mars haven't been recorded because there isn't much to hear on Mars. The only sounds you would really hear would be wind gusts. Sound would also not travel very well through the thin Martian atmosphere.

What else do we need to know about mars for humans to go there?

if there is water if it is at the right temperature how long it would take us to get their how much fuel we would need in a rocket to get to mars are their any aliens or harmful animal their is their enough oxygen etc.

How much would the fuel cost to travel 1000000 km?

90000 @ 1$/l with a consume of 9l/100km

How in fuel will it cost to travel to London?

Not very much.