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Depends on how many bytes it has

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Q: How much memory does a storage device hold?
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How much memory can a r4 card it hold?

The R4 doesn't hold memory, it's the MicroSD card that you insert into the R4DS that has storage. It will support MicroSD cards with storage of up to 2GB (non-SDHC).

What storage device can be accessed most quickly by the CPU?

The temporary memory, RAM. It is much faster than the hard disk.

How much memory does a Blu-ray disk have?

A maximum of 50 GB of storage, which is actually 5 times more storage than what a DVD can hold

RAM can be thought of as the what for the computer processor?

Think of it as a temporary space or "Blackboard" or "workspace" for your CPU. Like the top of your desk. Limited amounts of things can be worked on at the same time but the access is much faster for things in "Ram" or on the top of your desk. The desk drawers or file cabinets might be a hard drive or disk drive. You can still get stuff from them but slower. But they hold a lot more. Hope this helps!

How much memory does a 1 GB removable storage device actually have on average?

I'm gonna go with a little less than 1gb. Not exactly sure on the number.

How much storage on a 16gb memory stick?


What are memory cards and how can I use them.?

Memory cards are typically small pieces of nondescript plastic, sometimes with a label for how much information it can hold. They go inside cell phones and other electronics, to hold information that the device cannot hold. Not all devices have the same type of memory card, but you should be able to tell. You can put all multimedia information on memory cards.

What does GB do?

It shows how much storage a device or program has

Is a floppy disk input output or a storage device?

It's a storage device, much like a flash drive or dvd drive now.

How much does a storage device cost?

If you are talking about a USB storage device for files and things it depends on the storage complexity. It can go anywhere from $10-$250. Or just go to

How much storage capacity does a computer with 3MB of memory have?

A computer with 3MB of memory storage capacity can be limited. This will be the size of a single photo taken it cannot be useful in terms of data storage.