

Best Answer

it shold be atlets 1pond per month

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Q: How much money is it to be a bin tycoon for 12 months?
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Related questions

How much money do you need to pay to become a bin tycoon?

£4.99p to become a bin tycoon :)

How much is it to be a bin tycoon on binweevils for six months?


How do you get a bin pet with no tycoon?

you get a bin pet with no tycoon by having inoth money

On binweevils what is bin tycoon?

a tycoon is a binweevil who payed a membership and you can be a tycoon up to 12 months

How do you get a bin pet for free in Bin Weevils?

Well I'm not a tycoon and I have a pet. But that was five months ago. Five months ago you could get a bin pet without being a tycoon but now you have to be a tycoon to get a bin pet. check first though. Tink or Clott or scribbles.

Do you have to pay to have bin tycoon on Bin Weevils?

yes £35.00 12 months £20.00 6 months £3.00 1 month

How much do you have to pay to become a bin tycoon?

it cost £4.30 to be a tycoon

Where do you get the 12 months bin tycoon from?

buy it from the shop or pay online

How much is it to be a bin tycoon on bin weevils?

it is currently priced £4.95

How much does it cost to be a tycoon on Bin Weevils forever?

You can not be a tycoon forever it is a year, 6 months or 1 month.If you go to ur nest and near your fuel will be a button saying be a tycoon or something like that click on that and it will tell you

How do you get a bin pet on Bin Weevils without being a bin tycoon?

You HAVE to be a bin tycoon to get a bin pet on bin weevils.

How much does it cost to be a tycoon on Bin Weevils?

if u want one month it is £4.95 if u want six months its £19.95 but if u want twelve months its £34.95