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Four years of undergraduate college prior to vet school runs anywhere from $60,000 to $200,000. Then four years of vet school can cost anywhere from $120,000 to $300,000. Most students will qualify for scholarships and grants for undergraduate school and then for federal student loans for vet school. The average debt rate for just vet school for new graduates for 2010 was about $125,000; undergraduate debt was in addition to this.

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Q: How much money is it to go to college to become a vet?
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What is the maximum amount of college years to become a veterinarian?

8 years four is "pre-vet" four in vet to become an actually vet to become vet tech is 4

What are the qualifications for a vet?

those are the requirements to be a VEGETARIAN... to be a VET you have to have D.V.M, a state license, pre-vet courses, you have to be able to diagnose the problem with the animal, and much more.

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It takes 6-8 years of college training

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You would have to know a lot about horses, then study to become a large animal vet at a college.

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Vets go to college for 8 years, not 3. $65,000 a year is average.

How do you get a scholarship to become a vet?

I don't know if they have an scholarship for Veterinarians but if you need money for college you should sign up for it is free and easy.

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to be a vet another 4 years in vet school after college is required

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In the United States it takes a minimum of seven years of college - three years of undergraduate classes and four years of vet school.

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I believe you have to take 7 years of collegeto become a vet.

Is there an accredited community college to become a vet tech in Austin Texas?

NO unfortunetly

How can you give your cat a checkup yourself if you can't afford to take it to a vet?

Go to college for a few years and become a vet yourself.

To become a DVM do you have to attend another vet college first?

No, but you do have to attend a four-year college of some sort to complete the pre-requisite classes before applying to vet school.