

How much more lethal is jujitsu than regular karate?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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It is not a matter of style. The key is the application of the techniques. It is more the individual practitioner than it is the style.

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Q: How much more lethal is jujitsu than regular karate?
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i think wrestling is better but that is just my opinion. there is no fact which is better In my opinion, jujitsu is better because jujitsu involves more skill and redirecting of the foe's attacks, rather than just a head on attack with no skill involved, which is wrestling.

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What is the origin for judo?

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Can Jujitsu be used Aggresively?

There are some techniques in which Jujitsu can be used aggressively but from what I've seen...there aren't many. Jujitsu is not a martial art that teaches punches and kicks it teaches grapples and escapes, reversals and counters. Therefore making it more of a self defense martial art; than an aggressive one. Hope this helps.

What is the difference between Judo and Jiu-Jitsu?

There are two main differences between Japanese Jujitsu and Brazilian Jujitsu. Japanese Jujitsu uses standing locks, strikes, take downs and ground techniques. Brazilian Jujitsu leans more toward take downs and ground techniques. Both are effective means of defense and both can cause serious injury. Brazilian Jujitsu as with many other martial arts evolved from Japanese Jujitsu.

What is a interesting fact about karate?

after the release of the original karate kid a staggering 20% more youth were learning karate and were involved in the sport.

Who is more likely to be learning Karate?

well everybody can learn karate as long as they can do it and they love it.

Is karate a cardio workout or strength training?

Karate gives your body hard and regular exercise. It trains you mentally and physically. The regular training helps to tone your body and increases your strength. All this teaches you self-defense.