


Jujitsu is an ancient martial art studied by Samurai. This category includes Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. It is the foundation for the sport of Judo.

45 Questions

How many people practice Brazilian jiujitsu in the US?

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It is estimated that around 2 million people practice Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in the United States. The sport has experienced significant growth in popularity over the years, with more individuals taking up training and participating in BJJ competitions.

What is the difference between jujitsu and karate?

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karate is like choping and stuff whereas judo is throwing

Judo is mainly holds, throws and grappling, while karate is about kicking and hitting your opponent. Both are examples of martial arts.
While there are many differences, there are also a lot of similarities.

Both are martial arts taught in the Japanese/Okinawan tradition, with proper respect and discipline.

While Karate focuses mostly on striking, Judo is focused mostly on grappling. That does not mean they do it exclusively, as both have many similar techniques.

Judo was designed as a sport, based upon Jujuitsu.

Where can one find the rules to Brazilian jujitsu?

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The Facebook page for the International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation seems to offer a quick rundown of the rules, however, this is a bit clogged by general status updates. The website known as Gracie Barra may offer more information.

What are the names of some jujitsu moves?

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They are called Shime-waza (絞技) or chokes or strangles
  1. Do-jime(胴絞): Trunk strangle. Do-jime is a prohibited technique inJudo,[1]and is considered a 'slight infringement' according to IJF rules, Section 27: Prohibited acts and penalties, article 21[2]
  2. Gyaku Jūji-jime(逆十字絞): Reverse cross strangle
  3. Hadaka-jime(裸絞): Naked strangle
  4. Kata-ha-jime(片羽絞): Single wing strangle
  5. Kata-juji-jime(片十字絞): Half cross strangle
  6. Kata-te-jime(片手絞): One-hand strangle
  7. Nami-juji-jime(並十字絞): Normal cross strangle
  8. Okuri-eri-jime(送襟絞): Sliding lapel strangle
  9. Ryo-te-jime(両手絞): Two-hand strangle
  10. Sankaku-jime(三角絞): Triangular strangle,triangle choke
  11. Sode-guruma-jime(袖車絞): Sleeve wheel strangle (Eziquiel/Ezekiel choke)
  12. Tsukkomi-jime(突込絞): Thrust choke

Warning: Chokes are dangerous never try them, unless you know what you are doing and both persons agree.

Do ninjas take jujitsu?

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Yes, If ninja concentrate a lot. They can be able to open up their inner chakra and be able to use jutsu. Unfortified, it would take years just to be able to find their inner chakra that they wouldnt be able to learn how to control it so they can use jutsu.If you acutally believed in this stuff, you are a big loser.

How many belts are there in jujitsu?

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Asked by Babyjj

At a dojo that i know of, they have this belt order:

For kids:


White/yellow stripe

White/orange stripe

White/green stripe

Then they stay there until 16 and then get a blue belt.

If they have been there for a long time, they can skip to purple.

For 12 to 17:





Stay until they are 16, then:




Possibly black if they are good enough

then black/red squares

Then red

For adults:






Black/Red squares


But you have to get four stripes on each belt to move to the next one.

Hope I Helped!!

How much punching pressure to knock someone out?

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The fact is, that everyone has a different amount of pressure that will shut their lights off, generally speaking an average punch has about 650-800lbs ( Professionals swing at about 900 to 950lbs...kicks in the 1100-1400lbs range) of pressure distributed within the size of the individuals knuckles. 600LBS to anywhere in the skull will cause the brain to whip-lash inside the cavity causing swelling...which we know as a concussion. The body needs electrical signals from the brain...if communication gets cut off for a split second, our bodies exhaust all resources and shut down like an emergency kill switch in order not to keep sending failed signals from the brain. The jaw line and temples are especially vulnerable for knockouts. But keep in mind knock out factors: heart rate (tired individuals get knocked out more easily) Size (skull, body mass index, Fat content etc.) No human on earth sails above these laws of science...i hope my answer was informative.

Is jujitsu a type of football?

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False. It's a Martial Art. Some forms such as Brazilian Ju Jitsu also have a sport application, but nothing like football at all. Whether you spell it Football, or Futbol there is no similarity.

What is the difference between jujitsu and ninjitsu?

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It is the traditional Japanese method of espionage. Ninjitsu is an ancient body of spiritual and martial arts teachings designed for feudal Japanese spies and assassins. Practitioners, famously called Ninjas, developed the art in remote and mountainous areas of Japan to combat the Samurai landlords that rose to power about a millennium ago.

Where can you learn combat jujitsu?

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Internet dojos etc. etc. isn't recommended. It's RECOMMENDED that you have a friend willing to learn and spar with you if you choose this course of learning. If you are serious about learning Martial Arts on the internet (for free), don't just Google guides, get videos, etc. etc. although there are many great video lessons out there, try using Google to find useful Jeet Kune Do videos. If you are a beginner you can start by going to, it's an online boxing gym that offers free boxing lessons on basic punches, footwork and defense. I've sparred with Justin Salvato (head coach of Boxing 4 Free) in person, and he is extremely talented. If you want to learn something quick, start with Boxing 4 Free and read the Tao of Jeet Kune Do by Bruce Lee. It's much more simple to start small and build on from there, focusing more on the honing of body than the learning of movement, like Tai Chi, almost. If you want to learn to fight well, try CloQuba Ha-Jutsu. This is the offensive version of Krav Maga. I would say it is offensive, and that is a rare thing in the martial arts world.

Is jujitsu a good martial art?

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In my opinion, yes, jujitsu is very helpful when it comes to grapples, wrist locks and what not. It hardly requires any strength whatsoever because most of the attacks involve using the opponent's strength against themselves. Another good thing about jujitsu is the wrist locks, even the biggest of people have pressure points, apply these correctly and you have control of the fight. In jujitsu they not only teach you how to master pressure points but how to get out of them.

Is shotokan karate and jujitsu karate related?

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there are no such things as jujitsu karate

What belt is george st Pierre in jiujitsu?

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St-Pierre earned a black belt in BJJ under Bruno Fernandes.

Was bjj ever used in war?

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No. And it never will be, the ground is the worst place on a battlefield if it came to hand to hand fighting, However, BJJ originates from judo which originates from Ju Jutsu, a martial art that the samurai used if disarmed on the battlefield. This included strikes, wrist locks, gouging, spitting, biting, throws, anything to kill the other person.

Is jujitsu defensive or offensive?

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Jiu-Jitsu is ordinary mainly defensive but has both offensive and defensive strategies. At its center, Jiu-Jitsu is ready smart, and no longer brawn, that's why it’s perfect for smaller and weaker practitioners.

Is there a website that gives you free info on how to do Jujitsu moves?

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Asked by Gandalf

Please be aware that by their very nature, martial arts are taught in person. It can be difficult to find techniques on the web as most instructors understand the danger of trying to pass on knowledge without knowing who has it and how it is to be used. There are many aspects of a move or technique that simply cannot be communicated in words or pictures.

ANSWER its true that training with an instructor is the best way to learn martial arts but not all of us can afford it or have access to a good instructor - my wife is from the Philippines and there her whole family learns martial arts by just doing them and watching - and they are really good - you do need passion and somebody to "copy" - a really great source of free info to get ideas and examples of techniques of any martial art is you-tube - just do a search for whatever style or technique you want, wade through the junk to find the real gems of instruction that are available and then practice - my whole family is learning bo staff and escrima this way and i think we are getting pretty good without an instructor

but do keep in mind martial arts is dangerous even in practice and without an instructor you need to be careful - even being careful me and my wife and kids are constantly covered with bruises and sore fingers from accidents - fortunately no broken fingers yet.

Try as you may, without personalized instruction, you will miss a large part of what the martial arts has to offer, friendship, learning, patience and the mind set necessary to apply the techniques to real life experiences.

Yes, YouTube.

Who created jiujitsu?

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What are the rankings in jujitsu?

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In Goshin Jiujitsu (essentially traditional jiujitsu) these are the belts: White Belt

Yellow Belt

Orange Belt

Green Belt

Blue Belt

Brown Belt 1st Stripe

Brown Belt 2nd Stripe

Brown Belt 3rd Stripe

Black Belt


Black Belt 1st Dan-10th Dan

What is the combination of Jujitsu and Karate?

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The Wado ryu Karate style mixes the two about 70:30 to karate but I'm not sure that is what your looking for. Are you looking for a specific style or anything that combines the two?

Who is the richest jiujitsu fighter in the world?

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My pick would be Renzo Gracie black belt Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi. His net worth is conservatively around the $20 billion mark. He is the sponsor of the Abu Dhabi World Professional Jiu Jitsu Championships. His younger brother Tahnoon - the first UAE black belt (also under Renzo) is worth around the same and sponsors the famous Abu Dhabi Combat Club no-gi championships. He also owns 10% of the UFC through his Flash Entertainment.

How do you win a jujitsu fight?

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You either make you're opponent tap out with a submission or win by points earned by the judges for completing a takedown, escaping mount etc.