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Q: How much nutrients does clay soil?
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A soil with many nutrients that holds water poorly?

it is clay soil because frist it is topsoil then clay soil and after that it is sand soil

What is the difference between loamy and clay soil?

clay soil can absorb more of nutrients and water as compared to loamy soil.......

Why clay soil are fertlie than sandy soil?

Clay soils hold more nutrients, while sandy soils quickly have their nutrients leached by rain.

Why would a plant grow better in top soil then clay and sand?

Because soil has nutrients that clay and sand don't have

Do plants grow better in soil or clay?

soil as there are more nutrients

What is the difference between loam and clay?

Clay soil is sticky and drains well and loam soil drains but also holds nutrients well.

What are the differences between garden soil and clayey soil and sandy soil?

There are three basic types of soil, sandy soil, clay soil and garden soil. Clay soil is full of clay hence the name of the soil is clay soil. This type of soil is thick and it can hold water well but it is hard for plants to absorb nutrients because the soil is too thick. Sandy soil is full of sand . It is very easy for plants to absorb nutrients form this soil but it doesn't hold water well. Garden soil combines the two different kinds of other soil. It can hold water well as well as it gives the plants more nutrients too.

What are heavy soil and light soil?

Heavy soils are heavy, high in nutrients and wet like the clay soil. Light soils are light, dry, warm,low in nutrients and often acidic.

What is the difference between soils aridisol and oxisol?

Aridisols(soil) Is found in the desert. It is has a very light complexion, but is very nutrient based. The problem is it has too much nutrients, which make it rocky sandy. Oxisol(soil) Is a tropical rainforest soil. This wet soil has a reddish color with a texture of clay. This soil has little nutrients, because all the nutrients is pick up by the foliage or plant life in a matter of weeks.

Does plant grow better in potting soil or sandy soil?

Beans grow better in soil because soil has all the moisture and nutrients. If you use sand, it could be to rocky. Clay will also not be good even though it can keep good moisture it does not have the nutrients like soil.

Why do plants not grow in clay?

If the plant can get established on the clay soil, it usually does very well. The problem is getting it established, as clay soil makes root penetration very difficult for the plant.

What types of soil is in the taiga?

the soil is covered usally by permafrost or rocks and underneath that there is clay like dirt. Most trees grow side ways roots to get as much nutrients as they can because most of it thrives at the top.