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On average, about 21% of all precipitation becomes runoff into streams, rivers, and lakes, while around 79% infiltrates the ground to become groundwater. These ratios can vary depending on factors such as soil composition, land cover, and climate conditions.

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Q: How much of all the precipitation that falls end up as runoff and groundwater?
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Which cycle consists of evaporation condensation precipitation runoff and groundwater?

The water cycle, also known as the hydrological cycle, consists of evaporation, condensation, precipitation, runoff, and groundwater flow. Water continuously moves between the atmosphere, land, and oceans through these processes.

Which condition most likely exists when precipitation is greater than evapotranspiration and soil water storage is at its maximum?

The condition most likely to exist in this scenario is that the soil is saturated or at field capacity. This means that the soil is holding as much water as it can and any additional precipitation will result in runoff.

What five factors determine the amount of runoff in an area?

The five factors that determine the amount of runoff in an area are precipitation, soil type, slope of the land, land cover, and human activities such as urbanization and deforestation. These factors influence how much water can infiltrate the ground versus how much flows over the surface as runoff.

What does the amount or runoff in an area depend on?

The amount of runoff in an area depends on various factors, including the amount of precipitation, soil type, slope of the land, vegetation cover, and human activities such as urbanization and deforestation. These factors affect how much water can infiltrate into the soil versus how much water flows over the surface as runoff.

What are the five main factors that affect the amount of runoff an area gets?

The five main factors that affect the amount of runoff an area gets are precipitation intensity, soil type, vegetation cover, slope of the land, and human activities such as urbanization and deforestation. These factors influence how much water is absorbed into the ground versus how much flows over the surface as runoff.

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How much water does a plant give off?

Plants only give off a little amount of water because there is no way a plant can give off a lot of water. Plants get their water from the runoff, groundwater, and precipitation.

Which cycle consists of evaporation condensation precipitation runoff and groundwater?

The water cycle, also known as the hydrological cycle, consists of evaporation, condensation, precipitation, runoff, and groundwater flow. Water continuously moves between the atmosphere, land, and oceans through these processes.

When there is too much water in a thunderstorm cloud it falls as?

It falls as precipitation, such as rain, or hail.

How much of california's average precipitation falls in the north?

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How much moisture falls in California each year?

43646747 precipitation

How much precipitation falls on Madagascar?

60 to 150 inches of rainfall

What is rainforest precipitation?

The rain forest precipitation is greater that 150 cm. Rain forest precipitation is basically how much rain falls and collects on earth.

How much precipitation falls per year in the deciduous forest?

30 - 60 in.

Which condition most likely exists when precipitation is greater than evapotranspiration and soil water storage is at its maximum?

The condition most likely to exist in this scenario is that the soil is saturated or at field capacity. This means that the soil is holding as much water as it can and any additional precipitation will result in runoff.

What five factors determine the amount of runoff in an area?

The five factors that determine the amount of runoff in an area are precipitation, soil type, slope of the land, land cover, and human activities such as urbanization and deforestation. These factors influence how much water can infiltrate the ground versus how much flows over the surface as runoff.

How much of the precipitation returns to the ocean?

All of it eventually returns, but if it goes into the groundwater system it may take hundreds of thousands of years. Otherwise, it generally either evaporates or runs in to rivers that take it to the ocean within a matter of days or weeks, if it falls deep in a continent.

What does the amount or runoff in an area depend on?

The amount of runoff in an area depends on various factors, including the amount of precipitation, soil type, slope of the land, vegetation cover, and human activities such as urbanization and deforestation. These factors affect how much water can infiltrate into the soil versus how much water flows over the surface as runoff.