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Microsoft first introduced an operating environment named Windows in November 1985 as an add-on to MS-DOS in response to the growing interest in Graphical User Interface. Microsoft's breakthrough and Windows "as we know it today" arrived in 1995.

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it relised in 2007 but the were working on it in 2000

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12y ago

windows 7 is 3 years old made in 2009.

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Q: How much older than Windows 7 is Vista?
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Is windows XP Vista better than just Windows Vista or is it the same thing?

There is no such thing as "Windows XP Vista." There is Windows XP and there is Windows Vista. They are two different versions of the Windows operating system (XP is older than Vista). As to which is better (XP or Vista) if that is your question -- I think most people would say that XP is better, but this probably depends on which operating system you are used to and what type of work you do with the computer. That said, even Windows Vista is out of date, now. New machines will have Windows 8 (or Windows 7 if it is slightly older).

How much memory is recommended to run applications under Windows Vista?

Go no less than 1gb for vista.

If a computer performs better with Windows XP than with Windows Vista then what is the benefit of Windows Vista?

There really is no benefit in using or having Windows Vista on your personal or business computer.

What is more secure Windows XP or Vista?

Windows Vista is notably far more secure than Windows XP.

Can you get Windows Vista off your laptop?

You can, but I would recommend using windows 7 rather than XP since some of the hardware may be incompatible with XP. Plus Windows 7 is pretty slick and fast, with much fewer problems than vista.

Why is Windows Vista worse than Windows 7?

Since that is an opinionated question i am assuming you want some opinions why vista is worse than 7. First, vista is not as user-friendly. Second, the windows sidebar (or "gadgets") use a lot of electricity, so a laptop battery did not last long with it enabled. Third, windows 7 has superior speed. Fourth, 7 has a much cleaner, less cluttered interface than vista. Fifth, windows 7 is much more stable than vista. And finally, there is a good reason that they gave up on vista and made windows 7. Any simple Google search will tell you that.

Which is older Windows XP or Windows 7?

No, Windows 7 is the latest Windows operating system.

What is better to have windows xp or windows vista?

Windows XP is better. Vista is a better at running games, but it is slower and more problematic than XP

Can a centrino processor run Windows Vista?

Yes, but much slower than it would run Windows XP or a Linux distribution. Make sure your computer has at least 1GB of RAM to run Vista decently.

Why is Windows Vista safer from viruses than Windows XP?

The reason could possibly be that Windows Vista was an upgrade, and had an upgraded firewall. Windows Vista also had Windows Defender installed by default, however, XP required a download for it. Windows Vista also patched several common exploits in Windows XP which were being used in viruses.

Why won't The Sims Collection work on Windows Vista?

Maybe it's because of compatibility issues with 64 bit windows vista. If your not running 64 bit vista than it won't work on vista at all. Go back to XP. It might work on Windows 7, and it would definitely work on windows XP Mode. But you have to have pro or ultimate to have XP Mode. Since 7 is much better than Vista, you should consider upgrading. Otherwise, go back to XP.

How do you know if your laptops HD?

if you have a windows vista, or a newer model of a mac than it is HD, if you have a windows vista or a windows classic than they are not hd, it also depends if anybody has ever got the laptop that you have, upgraded.