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Estimates are that 97% of the water on earth is salt water or brackish water, the majority of it being in the oceans, seas, and bays.

About 2% of the freshwater is frozen in glaciers.

And less than 1% of the freshwater is in lakes, rivers, streams, and potable groundwater.

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3mo ago

Approximately 97% of the Earth's water is salt water found in oceans and seas.

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Q: How much percent of water is salt water?
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A student heats 2.39 grams of a hydrated salt The final mass of the salt after heating is 1.92 grams What is the percent water in the hydrate?

Percent water in the hydrate can be calculated using the formula: % water = [(mass of hydrated salt - mass of anhydrous salt) / mass of hydrated salt] x 100 Substitute the given values to find the percent water in the hydrate.

A chemist has m gm of salt water that is m percent salty so how many gram of salt must be added to make a solution that is 2m percent salty?

To convert the solution from m percent salty to 2m percent salty, you need to add m/2 grams of salt. This will ensure that the ratio of salt to water in the solution is doubled, resulting in a 2m percent salty solution.

How would you make 22.3 percent salt solution?

To make a 22.3% salt solution, you would dissolve 22.3 grams of salt in 100 grams of solution (salt + water). This would result in a solution where 22.3% of the total weight is salt.

How much salt is left after the water has evaporated.?

Salt does not evaporate with water, so all the salt that was initially in the water remains behind once the water has evaporated. This is because salt has a much higher boiling point than water and remains in solid form when the water evaporates.

How much salt water is in salt water taffy?

Salt water taffy does not contain actual seawater or salt water as an ingredient. The name "salt water taffy" likely originated from its coastal origins and traditional recipe that includes salt. However, the amount of salt water in salt water taffy is negligible.

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How much water be bioled off from 0.5 percent salt solution to obtain a 2 percent salt?

75% of the water, I would assume.

How much percent is the Earth's salt water?

About 97% of the Earth's water is salt water found in oceans and seas.

A 280 mL solution is 20 percent salt How much water should be added to make the solution 14 percent salt?

98 mL

How much is eatrhs water is salt water locatedin the ocean?

we learned this in science. 70 to 75 percent of salt water covers the earth. hope this helped.

What percent of the earth water is salt?

Approximately 97.5 percent of all the water on Earth is salt water. Of the remaining 2.5 percent that is fresh, about 70 percent exists as ice.

What the percent of salt water and the percent of fresh water?

In the world,1% is fresh water,2% ice, and 97% salt water.

How much of earths surface is covered by salt water only?

Approximately 67.8% of earth's surface is covered by salt water while only 3% is covered by fresh water. In total, the earth's surface is covered by 70.8% of water.

How much water should be added to 15 g of salt solution to obtain 15 percent salt solution?

Dissolve 15 g salt in 100 mL water.

Contaminated with a second anhydrous salt Will the reported percent water in the hydrated salt be too high too low or unaffected by its presence?

will the percent water loss be more or less if you heat the salt a little too much and it decomposed and vaporized

Who much the world water is available for human use?

98 percent is salt water, so we can not drink that. So then you have 2 percent. But 1 percent of that is in glaciers. So we have access to about 1 percent.

What percentage of earths surface water is salt water?

About 70 percent of the Earth's surface is covered in water, and about 90 percent of that is salt water.

What percent of the oceans salt water is actually salt?

Sea water has arround 3.5 % of salt.