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Q: How much pressure is needed to lift off rocket from ground?
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A rocket achieves lift off due to what?

Burning rocket fuel exerts pressure on the rocket nozzle. Note that this happens regardless of whether there is any air for the exhaust to push against. It is simply a matter of expanding gasses which exert pressure.

What 2 forces are present during a lift off of a rocket?

gravitythrustdrag/air frictioncross wind pressure

How does a rocket achieve lift?

A rocket achieves lift by pushing back the air column

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The weight of an aircraft counteracts the lift produced by an aircraft. The heavier an aircraft weighs the greater the lift needed to get off the ground.

How can a rocket lift off the ground using action reaction forces?

It Starts up and then it take off as a usually rockets will do

What is lift from a rocket?

Rockets do not have lift, they have thrust.

How does a rocket create lift?

thrust. thrust is how a rocket creates lift. thrust is simply the difference in potential energy between the nozzle and the combustion chamber, the difference creates a pressure differential which causes the rocket to move. To go up the rocket must be perfectly balanced and the rocket frame must be strong enough to withstand and balance the thrust.

What three things are needed for flight?

Differences in air pressure, an angle of attack, and lift

What function do seals serve on a hydraulic cylinder?

Seals on the hydraulic cylinder keep the pressure, which are needed to lift the suspension in the air. If they leak, they lose pressure and won't be able to lift the vehicle.

How does a rocket lift off?


In FireRed what do you do with the lift key?

use it at the lift in the rocket hideout. rocket hideout is under the game corner. examine the poster in the back

A rocket achieves lift off due to?

Newton's Third Law of Motion: The mutual forces of action and reaction between two bodies are equal, opposite and collinear. This means that whenever a first body exerts a force F on a second body, the second body exerts a force −F on the first body. F and −F are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. This law is sometimes referred to as the action-reaction law, with F called the "action" and −F the "reaction". The action and the reaction are simultaneous. What this means is that when the rocket pushes on the ground, the ground pushes back on the rocket with equal force. And if the rocket is causing enough force on the ground, the force the ground is causing against the rocket will cause lift.