

How much should you weigh if im 10?

Updated: 5/24/2024
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12y ago

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well atleast 70-90 pounds it depends on how tall you are :)

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1w ago

Your weight can vary greatly depending on factors like height, body composition, and muscle mass, so it's important to focus on being healthy rather than a specific number on the scale. It's best to consult with a doctor or pediatrician who can assess your individual needs and provide guidance on maintaining a healthy weight for your age and height.

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How much should a 5 ft 10 inch tall male weigh?

A healthy weight range for a 5 ft 10 inch tall male is typically between 133-179 pounds. However, individual factors such as muscle mass and body composition should also be considered when determining a healthy weight. It is advisable to consult with a healthcare provider for personalized recommendations.

Should someone 5'6 weigh 170 pounds?

A healthy weight for someone who is 5'6" is typically between 118-154 pounds. Weighing 170 pounds may be considered overweight for this height. It's recommended to consult with a healthcare provider to determine the best weight range for individual health.

How much should a 59 inch 10 year old girl weigh?

The average weight for a 59-inch 10-year-old girl is around 71-105 lbs, but this can vary based on factors like muscle mass and body composition. It's best to consult with a healthcare provider to determine a healthy weight range for the individual child.

Do me have it im 10 and me weigh 66 pouds?

It's important to maintain a healthy weight by eating a balanced diet and staying active. Talk to a doctor or nutritionist for personalized advice on maintaining a healthy weight for your age and height.

How much should a 5 foot 9 13 year old girl weigh?

The average weight for a 13-year-old girl who is 5 foot 9 inches tall is between 125-160 pounds, but this can vary based on individual factors such as muscle mass and body composition. It's important to focus on overall health and well-being rather than a specific number on the scale. If you have concerns about your weight, it's best to consult with a healthcare provider.

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it said on the internet that you should weigh around 99 puonds but im not sure

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well, im 4'10 and im 12 and I weigh 104lbs, and I look chubby...its probobly because im short, so anyway I would say if youre 4'10 you should weigh about 83-100

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Well, im 10 and Im 4 feet 11 inches and I weigh 77 pounds on the dot the doctor says im perfect weight and that the average weight is 70-85 pounds

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she should weigh from 115-130. im also 5'2 and i weigh 124.

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your Young to be worrying about that

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well im 5.2 and i weigh 67kg (ps im 13yrs old)

How much should a 4'8 ten year old girl weigh?

atleast 85-110 maybe. im 10 years old and i weigh 105 pounds.thats because im tall im 4'8 i think im overweight,but im not its all because of my height and everyone grows u realyl shouldnt worry about your weight at this age.

Im a 13 year old year that is 5ft 10inches how much should you weigh?

I think you should weigh about 140.

Im 16 year old girls and 5ft3 how much should you weigh?

you should weigh 95-120 Lbs.

How much should you weigh if im ten?

i weigh 58 pounds and im 4 foot 3 inches tall i weigh so small because im a twin and i was bor early