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For two ostriches would need 1/3 of an acre. Make that three ostriches, then you would need a mere 1/2 of an acre.

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at least six to eight feet.

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Q: How much land is needed for ostrich farming?
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it was because the land they had did not have much farming or hunting land

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Farming requires a major investment, even if you start small. You have to have land and equipment. To start growing food items to sell, you could grow vegetables and/or herbs to sell at farmers markets. It requires some equipment, but the investment is much smaller than what is needed to farm large fields. It takes less land than farming and the profits can be high. As you earn profits, you can buy the equipment needed to farm.

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Kill ninjas. ---------------------------------------- That answer is really wrong. that was not their main purpose. nor did it happen much. -- the samurai were needed to protect the land for their daimyos (their leaders) or seize land from other neighboring lands they want to use for farming, knowing 20% of japan's soil is good for farming. source: Im right now doing a paper on this kinda stuff.

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