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Q: How much storage space is required for 72 minutes of 24-bit 96 kHz stereo audio?
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What are the different sizes of picture files?

They can range from as small as 3 bytes for a single RGB 24bit pixel to as large as your hard drive for one image.

Is the Razer Barracuda AC-1 7.1 Gaming Sound Card 24BIT okay for a Vista 64bit system?

No, this card is not compatable with windows vista.

RGB consists of24 bits how many bits are assigned to each color element?

In RGB color model, each color element (Red, Green, Blue) is assigned 8 bits, for a total of 24 bits. This allows for 256 possible shades of each color (2^8 = 256).

Sims 3 create a world tool image.. Where do i get a png 256x256 24bit color image for the sims 3 create a world tool?

Make one with paint or what ever you have.

Which supports more colore JPEG or GIF?

JPEG represents the color on 24bit (i.e. 2^24 colors).GIF only supports 2^8 colors = 256 colorsThe answer is JPEG.

Which processor had a 32-bit internal bus and a 16-bit external bus?

Which processor has a 32-bit Data Bus and a 24-bit Address Bus?

How many file format?

Hundreds, if not thousands. Pictures/Images alone have nearly 10 types of file formats (jpg, bmp16, bmp256, 24bit bmp, dib, gif, tiff, png). Other programs have unique file formats as well. Notepad, for example, uses .txt, while Word uses .doc, and MS Excel uses .xls. There are too many file formats to name, assuming you can even name them all.

How many colors in JPEG?

A standard 24bit JPG file can have up to 16,777,216 different colours. This is split by 8 bits for each Red, Green and Blue component. 2 to the power of 8 is 256. So each of the red, green and blue components has 256 different shades, combining these together gets us 256*256*256 = 16,777,216. More or less bits can be allocated to the RGB components of a jpg file but it should follow roughly the same principle.

How do you add ten 16 bit numbers in 8085?

MVI C,0A MVI B,00MVI D,00MVI E,00LHLD 4000HL3 MOV A,MADD DJNC L1INR EL1 MOV D,AINX HMOV A,MADD EJNC L2INR BL2 MOV E,AINX HDCR CJNZ L3MOV A,DSTA 4050HMOV A,ESTA 4051HMOV A,BSTA 4052HHLT#N.B:::::Here Reg.D is used for holding lower bit of the result andReg.E is used for Higgerbit Reg.B give u the carryHence Result may be a 24bit no which will be store in memomy location 4050H,4051H,and 4052H

What is the difference between a 16 bit and a 32 bit?

A better question would be - What is the difference between 16bit and 24bit color?Colour is usually represented on computers, & displayed using 3 colour elements - Red, Green & Blue.16bit colour (known as "high colour") refers to the fact that only a total of 16 binary bits are used to represent each colour.This usually results in 5 bits being used for red, 5 bits for blue, and 6 bits for green (due to the fact that we are apparently more visually sensitive to green)This gives 32 shades of red and blue available, and 64 shades of green.This results in 65536 different possible shades.24bit colour (known as "true colour") results in 8 bits being used for each colour, allowing 256 shades of each, & a total of 4.2 Million colours.Pretty much all digital displays use 24bit colour & consider it to be the full or "true" colour mode.On a home computer 32bit means 24bit is used for red, green & blue.The extra 8 bits are usually used for storing internal information (like transparency or stencil information).32bit is often used because memory can be read easier in steps of 32bits (4 bytes), than it can in 24bits (3 bytes).Visually they will look identical on your monitor.24bit colour will look visually "better" than 16bit colour, when looking @ high colour images like photography, or smooth gradients of colour.In 16bit colour you can often see the "steps" as the colour transitions from one to the next.In 24bit the colours are so close together that they are often indiscernible, & on most digital monitors, to most eyes, will appear perfectly smooth.Most modern computer games require your graphics card to be capable of displaying 24bit colour & will no longer support 16bit.

How do recording devises work in means of recording sound in general?

Well, if we are talking about today's modern recording devices, it works with AD/DA converters. That is Analog to Digital on the way in and Digital to analog on the way out for listening. So, The converters take an analog signal and convert it to digital which turns into into 1's and 0's and stores it on a hard drive as 1's and 0's. It is actually an amazing process. I guess binary can sound incredibly beautiful at times! Anyway, when we talk about 16bit or 24bit music, it just gives us 8 more bits to store all of our extra bytes and the more we have, the better the resolution and sound quality. The Frequency response, such as 44.1KHz or 48KHz also widens the spectrum of frequencies that we record with and the higher the number, the more resolution we have in terms of frequency response. I hope this helps!

What is the advantages of digital analog converter?

The advantage of Digital to analog convertersA digital to analog converter has drawbacks, but it has advantages of allowing signals to be controlled and processed to the best of speed and precision with the use of a micro processor. One can generate a perfect sine or triangular wave with a microprocessor and convert it into a real analog wave. One can process audio with a CPU or DSP and convert it back to audio. Once you have audio inside a processor the sky is the limit to what you can do with it and with custom firmware.Then the use is also obvious for precision digital instrumentation such as reading a load cell, thermo-couple or any sensor, converting it into an industry standard 4-20mA , 0-20mA or 0-5V or 0-10V output for PLCs or other instruments to interface with.Digital to analog converters may offer an economical and compact way to have precision signals. For a 24bit resolution, an 16.7million divisions of it's full scale deflection can be expected and perform thousands of conversions per second.The drawbacks are that they don't always produce perfectly smooth outputs, which may be subjected to some quantisation noise and the use of external filters may be required in some cases.Very nice technologies are available these days that allow SPI, I2C serial interfacing with high speed, high resolution and compact SMD chipsets at economical prices.The thing to note is that a digital to analog converter is rather useless without a micro processor to control and feed it with data and commonly they are build into DSP (digital signal processors) already.