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Q: How much sugar is in a can of Coke a cola?
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Related questions

Why are coca cola and Diet Coke different?

Coca Cola has sugar in but Diet Coke is Sugar free!

How do you separate coke and sugar?

try evaporating the cola

How much sugar is in Coke zero?

None. Coca-Cola Zero is called that due to "Zero Calories, Same Taste". Having no calories, Coke Zero has no sugar.

Which soft drink contains the most sugar pepsi or coke?

No, it does not. Coke contains 39 grams of sugar and Pepsi has 41.

How does Coca-Cola work?

For bottling the coke

Is cola a stimulant?

Yes coke is a stimulant. Certain types of coke can make you alert and increase your reactivity times!!!

Why does Coca-Cola expand when frozen?

Diet coke contains no sugar, and sugar is what keeps regular coke from freezing. So basically diet coke freezes it expands, and regular coke just gets slushy in most home freezers. takes much colder temps. to freeze things with a lot of sugar like regular coke...

How many teaspoons of sugar is in a 300ml bottle of coke a cola?

In a 300 milliliter bottle of Coca Cola, there are 32 grams of sugar. 1 teaspoon equals 4 grams of sugar. There are 8 teaspoons of sugar in a 300 milliliter bottle of Coca Cola.

What is better pepsi or coke a cola?

I like coca cola if its suga free and caffiene free other wise none sorry.....

Whats the difference between coke zero and regular coca cola PLEASE answer i need it for a science project?

Coke zero doesnt have sugar but regular coke does!!!!!!

How much sugar is in a 500 ml bottle of dr pepper?

A 12 oz. can of coca-cola contains 39 grams of sugar. Sugar accounts for 8% to 13% of this product.

What is coke zero?

Definitely coke always go original. Coke Zero. Get as few calories as possible. You might as well eliminate the calorie problem considering you're hurting your kidneys, bladder, ability to absorb sugar and tolerance for caffeine by drinking it.