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Q: How much time do we spend per day picking our nose?
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no wth are you talking about picking out dresses should be fun and emotional, just a time to spend some quality time with your buddies. NO PRESENT NEEDED :)

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Why can you pick your nose and pick your friends but you can not pick your friend's nose?

Picking Noses (Not That Kind of Picking)Before the advent of plastic surgery, there was a time when people could not pick their noses in the same way they could pick their friends. Now, because of plastic surgery, not only can people pick their friends, they can pick their noses too! They can even pick their friends noses, right out of a catalog, if their friends are so inclined to change their nose and value a friends decision on what nose should be picked. In the past, people had a much harder time picking their noses. Peter Piper, for example, who in ages gone by, picked a peck of pickled peppers, never picked his nose, nor did he pick his friends, all poor Peter picked was a peck of pickled peppers.

Do you spend too much time at work?

In a simple answer No we do not spend too much time at work. We spend more time on social and sporting commitments. and some people like to work so it isn't to much in their mind so what i am trying to say we do not spend to much time at work, and if you want my opinion we should spend more :) The magical magnificent ...........

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if you spend too much time in school, you'll be a sloth..

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How much time rappers spend in the studio varies from person to person. Studio time can be expensive, those just starting out do not spend much time in the studio. As one becomes more successful, and makes more money, they are to spend more time in the studio.