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Q: How much time does rice take to grow?
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When is the best time to grow rice?

The best time to grow rice is in the Summer when it's hot and humid.

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How much does a plant grow in a year?

it depends on the plant you grow a tree would take much longer but a plant would not take as much time

How much time will it take for the Wheat to grow?

4 months

What crops grow in the time of Jesus?

Crops that were commonly grown during the time of Jesus in the Middle East included wheat, barley, olives, grapes, figs, and lentils. These crops were important staples in the diet and economy of the region during that time.

How much time does it take bacteria to grow?

bacteria doesn't grow technically t just expands and mutiplies

What kind of soil does rice grow in?

Rice can grow in any types of soil, as long as the soil is not very sandy.Clay soil is a common soil used in growing rice because it holds water for long periods of time.

Who was the first one to grow rice?

Hmong (Miao or Meo) were the first person to grow rice, back 4000 BC Hmong live along the Yellow River and all southern China they all grow rice. The chinese term "miao" as rice or person who grow rice. In modern time now China recognize Miao as the oldest and one of the three founding father of China. By Chao Vang

How much rice is grown in Japan in a year?

they don't eat that much rice. it is due to the fact that they have grown away from it over time. the Japanese used to eat mainly rice and soba but that has all changed. they have found themselves eating less and less rice. so there you are... they do eat about 3 rice meals a week but they don't live on rice.

How much time dos it take for algae to grow on a sloth?

.00000986 units of algae/ year

Why do Chinese eat more rice than Japanese men?

China ha sa larger population and more men than Japan

How fast does it take for black people to grow their hair?

its actually doesnt take much time maybe like 4-6 weeks